Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Cancer Horoscope: Widening Boundaries

Widening Boundaries

Cancer Horoscope

December 6, 2016

Adventure will likely be your watchword today as you address your obligations. As you take care of mundane duties, your thoughts may be elsewhere, drifting eagerly about the country or the cosmos. The desire to explore far-flung lands, philosophical disciplines, fascinating spiritual practices, or cultures unfamiliar to you can come over you suddenly. You may feel motivated to fulfill your curiosity, as well as ready to move beyond the borders of your past experience, in order to experience something entirely novel and intensely exciting. If your schedule prevents you from traveling, take a mental journey by reading books about places that intrigue you or conversing with people from cultures that differ from your own. You'll likely approach education with an open mind today when your zest for adventure is your guide.

When we embrace adventure, we automatically become open to new experiences and freely curious about how the world works. Many people live lives directed by habit, afraid to step beyond the fixed boundaries of their individual comfort zones. Their willing hesitation dually protects and isolates them, blocking them from ever broadening their horizons. Adventure takes us out of our everyday lives and thrusts us into unfamiliar but ultimately educational and eye-opening situations. In addition to discovering that ours is not the only way to live an actualized and fulfilled life, we encounter practices and philosophies we can incorporate into our own lives. Preconceptions will not cloud your perception today when you articulate your adventurousness by seeking an education of exploration.


DailyOM Course Spotlight

Access Your Angels and Guides

by Lori Daniel Falk

Have you always wished you had a deeper connection with the Angels? Do you wonder if your life would somehow be easier if you had access to the divine wisdom your Angels can provide? Then this program is the answer to your prayers. It is designed to dramatically improve the quality of your life by enabling you to have the "Wisdom of the Angels" at your fingertips, at all times. You will learn how to access your angels and guides to request their assistance in solving life's mysteries, and how to interpret their inspirational messages, and feel the love and support they wish to share with you. This will make your everyday problems seem like nothing more than the mere life lessons they were intended to be.

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8. Be Free from Unhealthy Relationships
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10. Be a Divine Conduit for Guides & Angels

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