Monday, December 19, 2016

Cancer Horoscope: Nurturing Self-Love

Nurturing Self-Love

Cancer Horoscope

December 19, 2016

You may be prone to judge yourself too harshly today, and feelings of self-consciousness could cause you to look at all you do with a highly critical eye. You may be more inclined to focus on your weaknesses rather than your strengths. You may be able to change your mode of thinking to a more positive one, however, by treating yourself the way you would treat others. Instead of holding yourself to a higher standard, allow yourself to succeed and fail with the same grace that you allow others. Your ability to be kind, when directed inward, can support you the way it supports your loved ones and friends. Treat yourself with loving respect today, and you will develop self-acceptance.

When we begin to treat ourselves with the same kindness and compassion we reserve for others, our self-doubt will fade away and be replaced with confidence. Accepting that you, like all people, will make mistakes can help you quickly recover from life's pitfalls, while celebrating your accomplishments will boost your self-confidence. Either way, you allow yourself and your actions to be worthy of your esteem. Being compassionate and kind with yourself means that you are supportive of your efforts, whether they result in mistakes or accomplishments. Treat yourself kindly today, and you'll gain the confidence that comes from your act of self-love.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

21 Day Consciousness Cleanse

by Debbie Ford

A consciousness cleanse is an opportunity to purify your mind and emotions, bringing you enormous amounts of strength, confidence and deep inner peace. It takes you on a journey of spiritual revitalization that moves your attention from the outside world back into your sacred interior. Like a physical cleanse, it liberates you from the toxicity of the past, reconnects you with your soul's purpose, and gifts you with the clarity and the inspiration to care for yourself like never before. In this course, you will receive daily visualizations recorded by Debbie herself to accompany each day of the cleanse. These recordings, not found anywhere else, will help you clear your inner world so that you achieve the maximum impact of the cleanse by softening your internal world and letting go of whatever no longer serves you. These visualizations are the magic elixir that will melt away the old and make room for your new outstanding future.

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