Sunday, December 18, 2016

Cancer Horoscope: A Force for Change

A Force for Change

Cancer Horoscope

December 18, 2016

Though you may be engaged in helpful or charitable pursuits today, you may nonetheless be feeling modest or shy. The attention or recognition you receive from giving your time, effort, or money to a cause could make you uncomfortable. The key to letting go of your feelings of discomfort today may not be in giving up your helpful or charitable work but in believing that you are worthy of acknowledgment and gratitude. You may be making more of a positive difference in the world than you realize. If you still feel undeserving, consider the myriad ways your efforts affect the lives of others or the health of the planet. Even if all you do today is recycle, donate funds, or use ecologically sound products, your efforts may still be part of a larger change.

The magnitude of your efforts becomes obvious when you realize that large-scale change begins with the work of a single individual. Though it can feel as if your efforts are fruitless or aren't worthy of accolades, a small step in the direction of positive change can significantly advance a cause. A single individual's efforts can touch the lives of hundreds or thousands of people. Also, your efforts may inspire someone in your personal circle to take steps to live in a more conscientious way. Therefore, recognition and personal satisfaction can't help but follow in your wake. By realizing that all positive efforts contribute to change today, you'll be able to look upon your own contributions as worthy of praise.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

14 Day Yoga Fat Blaster

by Sadie Nardini

Yes, it's possible make your body into a fat-burning furnace with yoga! This program will supercharge your metabolism in two weeks, build lean, toned muscle, help you choose the foods that amp up your digestive fire, all as you gain more energy, more confidence, a radiant glow--and melt body excess fat away. Sadie designed this holistic body-and-life-changing course to shift you on many levels at once because so many weight loss and fitness plans are inherently flawed. They work on part of you, so they only partially work! When it comes to finally losing weight for good, having a lean, toned, and most importantly, a whole, healthy body, mind and heart that lasts a lifetime, you need look no further than yoga! Sadie Nardini, a world-renowned yoga and ultimate wellness expert, leads you through the next 2 weeks in a simple, step-by-step process to fire up your metabolism up, learn yoga that will heal, not hurt you, even as you tone your whole body, and center your life!

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