Thursday, December 15, 2016

Cancer Horoscope: Promoting Goodwill

Promoting Goodwill

Cancer Horoscope

December 15, 2016

Your charisma can become an asset to you today in your quest to help your loved ones, peers, and coworkers comprehend the multifaceted benefits of kindness. You may find that you fascinate the individuals you encounter throughout your day or that people in your home and at your workplace actively seek out the pleasure of your company. Consider that this may be the perfect time to initiate a discussion about charity, compassion, honesty, or enlightenment. If you don't wish to broach the subject of values directly today, the charm you exude may inspire others to follow your positive example in their day-to-day lives. You may find that by simply being yourself, you can do your part to create a more conscious world.

We can spread goodwill among the people we encounter in the various spheres of our lives when we use our charisma to promote a message of kindness and positivity. Human beings naturally emulate those individuals they find charming or compelling. When we sense that others have fallen under the spell of our magnetism, we can actively endeavor to set a good example. By simply being ourselves and living in accordance with our values, we send ripples of compassion and benevolence spreading outward through the whole of humanity. Since people are drawn to our enchanting personalities, we are uniquely equipped to help others see the benefits of kindheartedness. As you interact with others today, your loving demeanor will show them how they can become a force of positive change too.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Contact Your Angels for Empowerment

by Dawn Lianna M.A.

Would you love to have contact with your Angels? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to communicate with them and have access to their sweet support at any time and place? The truth is, you can get to know your angels even if you have not communicated with them before. As angel stories become more commonplace in our society, many of you wish to have your own contact with the angelic realm. In this easy and empowering 8-week course, you will be given the tools you need to get to know your angels, break through any resistance, and open your heart more fully to your inner guidance. In these turbulent times, there may be no greater gift. The techniques shared in your course are fun and easy to learn. They will help you awaken your intuitive ability, release blocks and frustration, and create a potent and loving connection to your angels.

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8. Open Yourself to Your Guides & Angels
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