Monday, December 05, 2016

Cancer Horoscope: Bonding with the Self

Bonding with the Self

Cancer Horoscope

December 5, 2016

A desire for insight can prompt you to search your soul for answers today. You may be curious as to how your past has affected your present. Or you may be ready to confront certain issues that you have held at bay for a long period of time. In your search for self-awareness, simple transcendental meditation or deep-breathing exercises may help dispel the apprehension you likely associate with the more difficult aspects of your personal history. If you are unable to access your thoughts and feelings from months and years past, consider using old photographs or mementos as a starting point in your journey of understanding. Once the techniques and items you use to stimulate mindful reflection have helped you turn your attention inward today, you can begin to quest on your own.

Regular assessment of the self can aid you in your search for insight about the individual you are and how you have become this individual. Searching the soul is an activity that is intensely enriching yet oftentimes painful because it forces us to encounter parts of ourselves that we've hidden. As you reflect upon your past, present, and future, you are empowered to clear your mind and soul of clutter, as well as to address lingering issues that have negatively impacted your life. With each new part of yourself you encounter, you become more self-aware and grounded in your individuality. You'll come to know yourself in a highly intimate and constructive way. As you examine your inner landscape today, you will come to understand the forces that have shaped your life.


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