Thursday, December 01, 2016

Cancer Horoscope: Understanding Loved Ones' Concern

Understanding Loved Ones' Concern

Cancer Horoscope

December 1, 2016

You may feel recognized by your loved ones today, which could be a result of a heartfelt conversation. It may seem that by opening up, you have obtained more emotional support from them because you have shared your deepest concerns with someone you trust. Perhaps today you can work on increasing the trust you have in your loved ones by seeing things from their perspective. You may need to first recognize that the people you care about only wish the best for you and what they say comes from a place of caring. As you share with them, let what they say wash over you. Try not to judge or allow their words to color your mood. Imagine what you would say to yourself if you were in their place. You may notice that your interactions could become even closer as a result of your being able to change your perspective.

Understanding another person's point of view allows you to confide in them more easily and strengthen your relationship. So often we find that we are attached to our own ideas about how things should be. If our loved ones don't agree with us or validate our opinions, it can seem that they are unsupportive. We strengthen our defenses against them as a result. But when we see things from their perspective we begin to understand that their concerns for us are genuine. Look at your interactions from another view today, and you will receive support from your loved ones and learn how to explore your concerns more deeply with them.


DailyOM Course Spotlight

A Month with Your Angels

by Dawn Lianna M.A.

Are you in need of some loving support in your daily life? Are you tired of bad news from the media? Would you love to have a deeper connection to your Angels? Welcome to Angel School! It's all good news and the Angels are here to support you. In this course with Premier Intuitive, Dawn Lianna, the Angels will provide a weekly focus topic to help you in your life. These topics are Love, Balance, Gratitude and Peace. You are going to enhance those qualities in your daily life while receiving loving support from the Angels. You may be lucky enough to feel them wrap their wings around you to comfort you in a big Angel hug. You may feel their wing touch your cheek, a pressure on your shoulder nudging you or a whisper in your ear. This course is designed to help you connect with your angels. They are waiting for your call!

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