Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Cancer Horoscope: Learning Tolerance

Learning Tolerance

Cancer Horoscope

December 7, 2016

Today it may be easier than usual for you to accept the differences between your values and those of people hailing from disparate backgrounds. You may be in a tolerant mood and thus accommodating where other cultures, ideologies, and beliefs are concerned. A desire to understand how others have chosen to live their lives can steal over you, prompting you to begin researching the social and spiritual mores of far-flung lands. Your approach to this voyage of discovery will likely be an open-minded one, and you may feel at ease discussing charged topics with individuals from other parts of the world. Consider, today, that in each country you explore through books and discourse, you may discover practices and perspectives you can incorporate into your own life.

In responding with tolerance to cultures and beliefs that differ from our own, we do our part to promote open-mindedness among people hailing from diverse backgrounds. To accept that ours is not the only way of approaching life's journey is to take the first step on a wonderful voyage of discovery. Though we may never adopt the many practices and faiths we encounter as we seek new experiences and interpersonal connections, the revelations we receive contribute to our growth as individuals. When we learn about the world, it becomes a much smaller place, and the people in it become our sisters and brothers rather than strangers to be feared. Your quest to understand how others live today will help you become a conscious and progressive citizen of the world.


DailyOM Course Spotlight

Intimacy Without Responsibility

by Wendyne Limber

It is possible to speak your truth, have a voice, and re-program conscious and unconscious beliefs that say you are responsible for another person's feelings or happiness. You can move past your fear of being real and experience the conscious evolution of love, which includes deep integration of the universal spiritual principles of relationship attraction and being. Experiencing freedom within in a relationship, whether it be with an intimate partner, family member, friend or colleague, requires becoming very clear about the roles we play for one another. Having intimacy without responsibility for others is about practicing the art and skill of freedom within the relationship, and moving toward more love and self-care. When we truly heal and take care of all of our own issues, we are able to love more deeply.

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