Sunday, December 04, 2016

Cancer Horoscope: Confident Disposition

Confident Disposition

Cancer Horoscope

December 4, 2016

You may feel overwhelmed with emotions today and find yourself reacting strongly to the actions of others. Your sensitivity could also make you feel insecure about yourself and cause you to be more aggressive in your interactions. If you can set aside time to devote to yourself, you will be able to calm your emotions, improve your mind-set, and develop a stronger disposition. You may find it helpful to spend some time in quiet meditation where you can focus on adopting a peaceful state of mind. Simply release all worrisome thoughts and turn your attention inward. As you connect with your inner silence, allow it to soothe away all tension and infuse you with calm serenity. You might then want to focus on strengthening your inner confidence and allowing it to reinforce your intention to remain peaceful today.

Devoting time to calming our emotions and building our inner confidence results in a strong disposition that contributes positively to our interactions with others. It is easy to become overwhelmed by the words and actions of others. By spending time on activities that inspire and calm us, we develop a stronger sense of self and a more balanced mind-set. We then feel more grounded and confident in our interactions with others. By dedicating yourself to developing a strong, serene state of mind today, you will be reinforcing a confident, secure mind-set to benefit you in all that you do.


DailyOM Course Spotlight

A Year of Angel Affirmations

by Steffany Barton, RN

Life is an amazing, glorious, sometimes challenging journey. Over the next 12 months, you will experience Heaven on Earth with a daily dose of angels. This 365 day course with intuitive and medium, Steffany Barton, is a celebration of spirit in the physical world. For 365 days, an angelic affirmation, an angel prayer, or angelic reflection to keep you strong, steady, and centered in your life will be delivered to you. More than just pleasant thoughts, each lesson contains a potent message to infuse you with the strength, courage, and clarity needed to claim a powerful place in the flow of life. This course will shine new light and instill hope on all aspects of life including: body and health, work and job, love and relationship, and intuition and abundance. EVERY area of your life will be healed, transformed, improved with a touch of angels and a dash of spirit. Take your place in the sun. It is time to fly.

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