Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Cancer Horoscope: Valuable Contribution

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May 11, 2016
Valuable Contribution
Cancer Daily Horoscope

You could feel a sense of lack in your life today. You might also feel inadequate and want to purchase or display something of value to feel better about yourself. Your feelings might indicate a need to feel more empowered about your life and develop a deeper appreciation for your own value as a human being. A good way to do this is to help others. You might look into charitable organizations in your area and see if any of them require assistance today. You could donate money or simply share your expertise and talents by performing odd jobs or working on a special project. You might also make an effort to mentally affirm your value as a human being and strengthen your sense of interconnectedness with all living beings.

Devoting our time and energy to serving others can strengthen our connection with humanity and help us affirm our own worth. While we might be tempted to quiet feelings of lack by acquiring material objects, this effect is fleeting at best. We would be better served by channeling our energy into helping others. As we devote our time and attention to service, we begin to understand that we are connected to others in profound ways. We also recognize that each of us has value, regardless of our material status. If you channel your feelings of lack into service to others today, you will benefit from a lasting sense of connection while affirming your innate worth.

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Heal Your Love & Relationship Karma
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"Every relationship in your life is a karmic crossing--a chance to learn soul lessons through the opening of your earth heart." The task of the spiritual psychic is to enter the sacred space within, where we acknowledge ourselves as one of One, and awaken to the possibility of miracles. That said, the task of the spiritual psychic is also to live fully as an earth being, in connected and profound relationship to others, and to the experiences these relationships bring. This means looking deeply and carefully at who shows up in our lives--and what we're here to learn from them. In this course, you are invited to dive deeply into your relationships at the most profound level--those karmic crossings you experience with partner, parent, child, friend, teacher, colleague and acquaintance. For it is in this simple act of connecting deeply to the Divine, that all things can be shifted, moved, created and transformed.

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