Sunday, May 22, 2016

Cancer Horoscope: Relaxed Body, Relaxed Mind

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May 22, 2016
Relaxed Body, Relaxed Mind
Cancer Daily Horoscope

Today you may hear news that could cause stress and make you feel mentally agitated as a result. Learning about worrisome events could cause tension, which may be alleviated by using relaxation techniques. Should you notice any tightness in your body today, you might try a relaxation pose to help you release your tension. You can do this by lying on your back with your legs slightly apart and your hands at your sides, palms facing up. First, tense all the muscles in your body and then release them. As your muscles begin to soften, you may want to bring your focus to your breath and imagine it moving into your feet, loosening your tension. Continuing with each part of your body, you can consciously bring your breath to all areas, noticing how your breath both relaxes and energizes you.

Finding a way to release physical tension though relaxation techniques allows us to quiet and soothe our minds. Tightness in our bodies signals that we are letting external stressors affect us internally. Although this agitation starts in our minds, it manifests itself in something that more easily gets our attention—our physical being. As we breathe into our pockets of tension we soften our bodies by bringing fresh and positive energy to them. This energy infiltrates our whole being, which enables our minds to feel a greater sense of ease and comfort. By using a relaxation exercise today, you will make the most of the amazing tool of your breath to calm your body, mind, and spirit.

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Overcoming 'Not Good Enough'
by Pam Thomas, M.S., PMC, PCC

I grew up feeling the pressure of having to be someone I wasn't in order to fit in, basically not ever feeling good enough which lead to fears and feelings of not being deserving of the good things that life had to offer. Those feelings followed me throughout my teen-age years and on well into adulthood. I played the comparison game until the pressure became insane and the self deprecation a daily exercise..."If I only I was as skinny or as pretty as her.", "If I had her job and her income, I'd have it made.", "Why can't I have a relationship like they have?" The time is NOW to amp up your own attraction factor by blasting to bits the "not enough" messages, claim or re-claim your own personal power and confidence, kick fear and negative thoughts to the curb so that you attract the "good stuff" you truly deserve.

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