A beautiful gift to yourself is a day of healing and nourishing just for you.
Human beings carry within themselves the seed of healing. Our choices affect us more than we realize, and it is because of this that we tend to place responsibility for our wellness in the hands of others. As beneficial as regular visits to a healer can be, we have the power to heal ourselves at will. When we dedicate a day to the pursuit of wellness, we can relax and renew ourselves in a nourishing and comfortable environment. A sincere desire to open ourselves to the highest realities of our physical and spiritual selves is the key to self-healing so that healing energy can flow into us unimpeded.
A self-healing day should address the vital needs of the self as a whole while directing healing energy where it is needed most. Solitude is an important part of the process as is the ability to take refuge in a space that is both beautiful and peaceful. Start your healing day by setting the intention that you are dedicating this time to healing yourself. Flowers, candlelight, incense, and music can guide our focus toward a more tranquil state. For a more intense session, try listening to music through headphones since tuning out can help you tune in. It is up to us to decide what we need to do to cultivate wellness in our lives. For some, it may be time spent in reflection. Others will turn to calming activities that help them remember their purpose, such as journal writing, being in nature, or studying. Our healing may even take a more direct form as we use color, sound, or crystals to balance and ground ourselves.
Ultimately, your wholesome intentions transform what might otherwise be a simple day of rest into a day of healing. Grant yourself permission to relax and savor the stillness. If you attune yourself to the calm around you, worldly distractions will be minimized and the unadulterated flow of your consciousness will reestablish itself in the forefront of your mind. The needs of the body, the heart, and the soul will then be revealed to you, empowering you to tap into the essential healing energy of the universe. The mechanism you use to channel this energy will be dependent on your shifting requirements, so each day of healing you enjoy will be unique. All will replenish you, however, allowing you to recreate yourself in a perfect image of health.
Make Yourself a Money Magnet is dedicated to bringing both the promise and the presence of real and lasting wealth, prosperity and abundance in your life. In this report, international inspirational expert Ellen Whitehurst transcends and transforms the meaning of wealth, abundance and, yes, true and lasting prosperity, from an idea or an intention into a real experience by sharing with you the ancient secrets and modern shortcuts, the tips and techniques that she has been privileged to have been privy to over the last 25 empowered intuitives representing almost every tradition and culture and every walk of life. Ellen culls from these time-tested traditions and then takes you by the hand and walks you down the path to your own personal and powerful true and lasting state of prosperity. She shares ways in which you become a magnet and attractor for abundance, money, prosperity and, of course, wealth. You can attract the financial security and the comfort that you dream about ! and get solvent and secure all in just 27 days!
May 31, 2016 Attract All with Hindu Mantras & more courses
Dear DailyOM Friend,
We're honored to share with you these on-line courses on DailyOM this week:
Attract All with Hindu Mantras by Seema Singh - This 10 week course with Seema Singh is designed to help you achieve what you want by focusing on your goals and chanting the Hindu Mantras that accelerate the Laws of Universal Attraction. The 'Law of Attraction' as we know it today has been practiced since the beginning of time. Ancient Eastern Cultures have integrated this practice in their daily life as prayers, chanting, and religious rituals. Mantra chanting is a repetitive exercise that forces the human psyche to visualize and channelize the mind's energy to acquire one's wishes and desires. The accumulation of Mantra energy provides a powerful impetus for manifesting your desires into reality. Through this co! urse you will learn a powerful Ancient Hindu Mantra every week, and how to apply the Mantras to your specific goals. While focusing on success and happiness you will minimize stress and realize many health benefits. And as you focus on attracting all Money, Luck, Love, Health and Beauty you will receive your desired results quickly and easily. more
Peter Russell by How to Meditate Without Even Trying - Through this 5 week course with leading meditation teacher, Peter Russell, you will learn how to stop all effort and striving, so you can allow your mind to settle down naturally into a state of quiet. It might sound strange to hear that meditation should be effortless. If anything, you probably feel you're not trying hard enough. But the opposite is actually true. Meditation works best when there's no trying or effort. It's about allowing the mind to relax. While trying harder may help in many day-to-day tasks, when it comes to meditation, the harder you try, the more tense your mind becomes. And this defeats the entire purpose of meditation.! This course will teach you both basic practices of being present and some more advanced techniques. They are very simple to apply, but profoundly effective. You will learn how to let meditation be effortless, along with basic principles of letting go, and advice on posture and setting. As you learn to release physical and mental tension you will experience a natural state of ease and contentment, thereby finding greater contentment and joy in each present moment. more
Himalayan Wisdom for a Life Beyond Fear by Anand Mehrotra - In this 7 week course with Anand Mehrotra, founder and master teacher of Sattva Yoga, you will receive seven deep wisdoms as taught by Anand and captured through in-depth, never before released footage from the award-winning documentary The Highest Pass. Through this series of videos and teachings from Anand, you will be led to the courage and love already within you that can lead you beyond your fears. Have you ever been excited and at the same time totally afraid? Has that fear held you back from living your life fully, totally? Through this course you will be encouraged to rise up, to meet your true self, and to realize your fullest potential! s. Not all of us can take the time or resources to travel to India for three weeks, but now you can be guided by a master as if you were there. When you begin to meditate upon and apply these wisdoms in your daily life, you will develop a truly authentic power and faith that is your birthright. more
Dropping the Idea of You by Eric Altman - In this 21 day course with awakened spiritual being, Eric Altman, you will be led into the willingness to connect and fall in love with yourself as you are. This course gives you the opportunity to make a simple shift in your internal focus, as organic and accessible as a child growing into a loving, joyfully functioning adult, only it can happen overnight, or in this very moment. We can and do pin our 'problems' on everything: relationships, money, life purpose, work, self-sabotage, weight, health and even spirituality. We tell ourselves if we could just get these things squared away then we will be okay, or lovable, or in control. This course will teach you ! to cultivate a willingness to lovingly meet yourself as you are, to experience a lightness of heart based upon finding love on the inside, increased receptivity to influences that feed your soul, and the courage to stay with yourself no matter what. more
Also, be sure to check out the following most popular courses on DailyOM:
May 31, 2016 Leadership Potential Cancer Daily Horoscope
You may feel authoritative today and want to take control of projects and situations you've been working on. You might feel ready to take on more responsibility or step into a leadership role. A good way to harness your desires is by exuding confidence and inner strength. By fostering these qualities within you and demonstrating them to others today, they will be more likely to look at you as a leader. Remember that good leaders strive to empower their team members, so you may want to make an effort to be supportive of others. You could encourage them to take on more responsibilities or offer positive words to anyone who feels unsure. Anything that you do to help your teammates can only benefit you.
By believing in ourselves and demonstrating our leadership skills, we encourage others to recognize our capabilities. Our beliefs about ourselves usually influence the way others see us. If we desire to be a leader and role model for others, we must first believe we are capable of both jobs and then demonstrate that ability to others. As we reinforce this belief in ourselves, we invite the universe to grant us further opportunities to grow and stretch beyond our limits. This further builds our confidence, and we attract even more opportunities to realize our potential. By believing in yourself and behaving like a leader today, you will be able to use your skills in ways that can only benefit others.
Make Yourself a Money Magnet is dedicated to bringing both the promise and the presence of real and lasting wealth, prosperity and abundance in your life. In this report, international inspirational expert Ellen Whitehurst transcends and transforms the meaning of wealth, abundance and, yes, true and lasting prosperity, from an idea or an intention into a real experience by sharing with you the ancient secrets and modern shortcuts, the tips and techniques that she has been privileged to have been privy to over the last 25 empowered intuitives representing almost every tradition and culture and every walk of life. Ellen culls from these time-tested traditions and then takes you by the hand and walks you down the path to your own personal and powerful true and lasting state of prosperity. She shares ways in which you become a magnet and attractor for abundance, money, prosperity and, of course, wealth. You can attract the financial security and the comfort that you dream about ! and get solvent and secure all in just 27 days!