Friday, December 18, 2015

Body and Mind Are One

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December 18, 2015
Body and Mind Are One
Thich Nhat Hanh

An Unparalleled Training in Mindfulness with Thich Nhat Hanh

When your body and mind work together as one, you are fully and naturally present in the moment. This is the essence of mindfulness practice—allowing us to touch the wonders of life in the here and now. Body and Mind Are One is at once a practical teaching series covering fundamental Buddhist principles for a joyful life and a living transmission of insight from beloved Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, who has practiced, shared, and lived this profound wisdom for over seven decades.

Your Breath: The Bridge between Mind and Body

In our hectic modern world, many of us race from one to-do to the next, planning this and worrying about that. Thoughts and unconscious habits often consume us, numbing us to our true experience and to the suffering we create for ourselves and those around us. The Buddha taught how to break this cycle and come home to our bodies—and to the wonders of life found only in the present moment. Your breath is the key. On Body and Mind Are One, Thich Nhat Hanh teaches you the Buddha's exercises for using your breath to cease internal conflict, release tension and anxiety, and become aware of the conditions for happiness and freedom that are always available.

The Greatest of All Miracles

"Through mindfulness," teaches Thich Nhat Hanh, "we can recognize the miracle of being alive, and that is the greatest of all miracles." Experience the wise and healing presence of this unsurpassed teacher, as breath by breath, you follow his simple guidance into what he calls, "The Pure Land of the Buddha, the Kingdom of God, in the here and the now."

6 CDs (7 hours, 14 minutes)

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    Make Yourself a Money Magnet is dedicated to bringing both the promise and the presence of real and lasting wealth, prosperity and abundance in your life. In this report, international inspirational expert Ellen Whitehurst transcends and transforms the meaning of wealth, abundance and, yes, true and lasting prosperity, from an idea or an intention into a real experience by sharing with you the ancient secrets and modern shortcuts, the tips and techniques that she has been privileged to have been privy to over the last 25 empowered intuitives representing almost every tradition and culture and every walk of life. Ellen culls from these time-tested traditions and then takes you by the hand and walks you down the path to your own personal and powerful true and lasting state of prosperity. She shares ways in which you become a magnet and attractor for abundance, money, prosperity and, of course, wealth. You can attract the financial security and the comfort that you dream about ! and get solvent and secure all in just 27 days! 

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