This course teaches you how to overcome many self-sabotaging patterns, so you can finally embrace opportunities and experience a full and joyful life.

Dear Friends,

Psychologist and writer Dr. Terri Apter talks with us about her DailyOM course, Sneaky Ways You Sabotage Yourself. Although self-sabotage is a very common habit, it is not easily identified or understood. But luckily for us, we have a knowledgeable and compassionate guide to help us recognize the unhealthy patterns of sabotage -- and most importantly, how to overcome them.

Course Overview
Do you find that the initial excitement of something new is frequently replaced by a loss of motivation or fear of failure? If so, you are not alone. However, there is a way to overcome these negative thoughts and behaviors by understanding the reasons behind them. With this 3-week course, pyschologist Dr. Terri Apter will gently guide you to learn all the forms of self-sabotage and help you undo any harmful habits by teaching you how to replace those patterns with life-affirming practices. By the end, you'll have overcome any self-defeating behavior and beliefs and will be on the path towards going after what you truly desire in life with renewed passion and energy.
  • Receive a new lesson every day for 3 weeks (total of 21 lessons).
  • Have lifetime access to the course for reference whenever you want.
  • Select the amount you can afford, and get the same course as everyone.
  • If you are not 100% satisfied, you may request a refund.
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This is the total amount for all 21 lessons

Interview With Terri Apter

DailyOM: What is self-sabotage? How is it different from normal failure or making a mistake?

Terri Apter: Self-sabotage is different from failing. There are all sorts of reasons why you might fail at something you really want to achieve. If you are aiming for a promotion at work, for example, the company might not be in good enough shape to offer you progress; there may be bias against some personal qualities or against you as a member of an ethnic, religious, or political group. You may fail because of sheer bad luck. Failure of some kind, at some time, is something everyone has to live with. You can accept it, and move forward with pride. After all, you gave it your best. Some things just do not work out. In cases of self-sabotage, however, failure is a direct result of what you do. But your actions are not merely mistakes. You may not recognize this, but on some level, you want to trip yourself up. Perhaps you feel you do not deserve happiness or success or a life in which you can thrive. Perhaps you believe that you are incapable of managing your own feelings or cravings. Something inside you decides, "It would be better for me to mess this up than to succeed." Or you believe, "Things are so bad, it doesn't matter if they get worse."

DailyOM: What are some examples of self-sabotage?

TA: Self-sabotage comes in many different forms. "You are your own worst enemy," we say to someone who always picks a fight with someone who is trying to help him. "She is the only one who can help herself," we say when someone keeps drinking even though she knows that it harms her relationships and her job performance. Some forms of self-sabotage we might take for granted, such as procrastination, when we put off something and, as a result, cause unnecessary problems that we have to deal with later. Other self-sabotaging traits are seen as an inevitable part of a person's temperament or personality, such as various kinds of stage fright, when we fail to show what we can do just when we have the most to gain. Some forms of self-sabotage are common but less familiar, such as fear of success, when we hold ourselves back because we fear that others will envy us if we succeed. Often self-sabotage arises from core beliefs about our own worth. Therefore, this course approaches self-sabotage in several different ways. You will learn specific techniques for changing the habits that do not serve you well. You will also learn how many self-sabotaging habits are connected. Smoking or drinking too much, for example, is sometimes linked to low mood, which is linked to lack of self-care. As you learn to map the various habits or practices that hold you back, you will be guided to track your progress. You will also come to appreciate the huge benefits of small improvements. Underlying self-sabotaging habits are core beliefs about your value. This course helps you identify these beliefs -- for example, that you do not deserve to do well, or perhaps even the belief that you deserve punishment. This course will also provide support as you challenge negative beliefs about yourself that may come from past experiences.

DailyOM: Some things that may hold us back involve embedded habits or temperament, such as shyness, defensiveness, or even stage fright. Can these be changed?

TA: This course teaches you that habits consist of various cues or prompts -- sometimes called temptations -- with expectations of rewards, and the routines you follow as you move from cues to rewards. You will learn how to avoid certain cues, and how to change your routines. Traits that you think are "built-in" or "hardwired" can be changed, because these traits are based on both habits and core beliefs. Shyness, for example, with the tendency to withdraw and isolate yourself (and thereby miss out on significant opportunities both in your personal and professional life) consists of the habit of shutting down when you get the cue (anxiety) in others' presence and seek the reward (comfort/relief from anxiety). This course helps you manage anxiety, so you are able to change the cue. You will also learn how various core beliefs underpin that anxiety. You may, for example, believe that other people will find you boring, or that they will dislike you. The course will help you manage these beliefs, too. Additional lessons will take you through other self-sabotaging traits, such as defensiveness, when you may push people away because you second guess their criticism of you, and stage fright, when you routinely fail to show what you can do, even when you have a great deal to lose by not doing as well as you can.

DailyOM: This is a 21-lesson course. Tell us how it will unfold for the student.

TA: This course begins by looking at the very basic ways our minds form habits and shows how we can dissolve the habits that do not serve us well and form better habits. Some of the lessons focus on common forms of self-sabotage, such as procrastination, perfectionism, defensiveness, or fear of success. Others look at common unhealthy habits, such as smoking, overeating, drinking too much, and neglecting to exercise. In each lesson, you will learn about emotions and beliefs that underpin many different forms of self-sabotage, and you will be given guidance on how to counter these. The lessons build on and reinforce each other. Tracking your behavior, for example, is important whether you are trying to break an unhealthy habit, such as eating a doughnut every day, or whether you make poor decisions because you expect too much from love. Avoiding discouragement is a necessary skill, because everyone experiences setbacks. Learning to acknowledge the role you play in your disappointments is important, because when you do this without anger or shame, you can learn how to protect your well-being. The final three lessons bring together the range of techniques you learned earlier. The exercises you had in managing anxiety, for example, will be useful over and over, as you confront the core beliefs that give rise to self-sabotage. In the lesson of self-observation, you will realize that you started practicing this in the very first lesson when you began tracking the secrets behind your bad habits. The lesson on self-acceptance makes use of previous lessons' guidance on the importance of small wins, how to escape cycles of discouragement, and having faith in your ability to form new habits. You will finish the course well equipped to achieve your goals and secure your well-being.

DailyOM: Tell us about the kind of homework and techniques you teach in this course.

TA: The homework will guide you through techniques for changing habits that do not serve you well -- for confronting difficult problems, for managing anxiety, for monitoring your behavior and your feelings. Some homework tasks involve tried and tested exercises on self-reflection. Some provide exercises for physical and mental relaxation. Some ask you to reflect on how difficult experiences in your past might be shaping your behavior today. Every task is presented for a reason, and the reasons are also explained in the homework sections. The exercises you practice and the techniques you learn build on one another, and will be useful well beyond the time you spend on this course.

DailyOM: What do you hope students will gain at the end of the course?

TA: In this course, you will come to understand why you -- and so many other people -- are sometimes "your own worst enemy." You will learn to identify the telltale patterns of self-sabotage. You will learn techniques for breaking habits that prevent you from being your better self. You will learn to challenge the thoughts and emotions that motivate you to act against your best interests. You will learn about the power of self-acceptance. Then, subversive tactics of self-sabotage will no longer outsmart you. This is an intensive course and asks a lot from you, so it is reasonable for you to expect to gain a lot from it. But you would not be embarking on this course unless you already had a head start in self-reflection. You have already begun to ask yourself some of the most difficult questions raised in these lessons. For example, posing the question, "What role have I played in this disappointment?" is a real challenge, and goes against the natural wish to blame other people or circumstances for misfortune. But you are already asking yourself this, and therefore exhibiting the courage necessary to benefit from this course.

The course will help you further by guiding you to self-reflect without feeling anger towards yourself. Instead, you will learn to use self-criticism positively, to help you make better choices in the future. This course will help you resist discouragement, even if you have setbacks. You will see how to refresh your efforts and strengthen your willpower by understanding the circumstances in which your efforts sometimes let you down.

How Does It Work?
Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 3 weeks (total of 21 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Free Gift
As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration newsletter which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM and Terri Apter that we think you might be interested in.

Get Started Now
We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 21 lessons

When we are holding ourselves back, sabotaging our talents and dreams, it takes courage to recognize these patterns and to take steps to change them. But what a wonderful gift to give yourself! Taking the time to become your ally -- and not your worst enemy -- is an act of true resilience. Until next time.

Be well,
