You may feel stubborn today and unenthusiastic about the prospect of examining or altering your opinions. You might even engage in conversations or somewhat heated discussions with individuals. If so, your ego may motivate you to stick with your ideas about a certain issue or topic, which could cause you to react somewhat defensively to dissident points of view. If you feel yourself becoming defensive or agitated today, you might think about taking some time for yourself to relax and touch base with the calming center within you. You could excuse yourself and find a quiet place to sit and get comfortable. Try focusing on different parts of your body, noting any tension or pain in your muscles, and keep your attention focused there until the tension has subsided.

When our bodies are relaxed and comfortable, we are inclined to take everything happening around us more lightly. Physical comfort has many benefits, not least of which is mental centeredness. We are able to hear what others have to say and can react appropriately to the thoughts and opinions they express, even if those ideas differ from our own. Regardless of what crosses our paths, we handle ourselves with dignity and grace. Bring yourself back to an easy, comfortable place today if you feel yourself becoming defensive, and you will be able to act gracefully even in the face of opposition.