You may be feeling reliable today as you focus on completing your duties and meeting your obligations. Knowing that others rely upon you, you enjoy consistently performing responsibly and conscientiously. Since you understand the importance of this, you may feel frustrated when working with others who are less focused on meeting deadlines and keeping their word. You can plan ahead to allow for these possibilities, saving yourself stress and still accomodating those to whom you have given your word. This may mean asking others to complete their portion of the project earlier than necessary. By leaving time and space for life's little glitches, you can maintain your reliability.

Unfortunately, not everyone puts equal importance on meeting their obligations. Some feel that doing the minimum required is enough. But they will receive the minimum as structured by their belief systems, and those that set higher standards for themselves will also find their higher standards reflected in those around them. Clients will be of a higher quality and consistency, as well as those who work with us, to provide our products or services. When we place value on the word we give to others, regardless of who they are, we infuse any endeavor with our positive energy and we will receive a positive return on our energetic investment. By being reliable and consistent today, you can attract like-minded people who will partner with you to achieve your goals.