Your dedication to the principles that matter most to you can impact your behavior today if you happen to encounter people whose ideas about the universe deviate from your own. Your initial reaction to the questions that arise when you outline your beliefs may be stubbornness because you fear that others will try to contradict your ideals. It is likely, however, that the individuals you spend time with today will honor your right to embrace a unique personal philosophy. You can express the gratitude you feel for this gesture of kindness by doing the same for them, even if you believe that their worldviews are misguided.

We can be steadfast without becoming stubborn, provided we are ready to honor the people around us by being tolerant of their beliefs when these differ from our own. There is no reason at all that we should feel compelled to convince others that our views of the world are somehow more correct than their own, as it is likely that the philosophical ideals they have chosen to adopt serve them well at this time. If friends, relatives or colleagues ask us to outline the principles we live by, we can of course share our thoughts and feelings with them. When ideological conflicts arise, our willingness to accept the differences that divide us without sacrificing our own beliefs will ensure that others respect our convictions as we have respected theirs. However unrelenting you are with regard to your own beliefs today, your overall tolerance will help you maintain harmony in your environment.