Any lingering uncertainties that would typically have dissuaded you from aiming for ambitious goals will likely have no effect at all on your choices today. You may feel more successful than usual, and the confidence you gain as a result can serve as the inspiration that drives you to reconsider your current path. Since you will likely be called upon to choose between many opportunities today, your thoughts may waver between visions of prosperity and moments of worry. However, you can easily rid yourself of the latter by mulling over the goals you had to accomplish to reach your current level of abundance.

The personal successes and professional triumphs we have enjoyed in the past can give us the confidence we need to pursue new dreams when we regularly look back upon them to remind ourselves that we are capable of great feats of achievement. Such remembrances are a testament to the confidence and courage we once exhibited in the pursuit of our goals as well as a demonstration of the dedication with which we once embarked upon our individual journeys of achievement. We believe in ourselves more fully after reminiscing because our recollections remind us that no matter how uncertain we might feel in the present, our innate drive and devotion will help us overcome a wide variety of personal and professional challenges. You will feel truly accomplished today when you look back on your life and realize how much adversity you have successfully overcome to achieve your ambitions.