Tidying our homes is much more than just organizing, it is about having respect for ourselves and our home and taking an emotional journey through our lives.

Dear Friends,

For today's interview, I want to share with you all the wonderful aspects of my own course, Tidy in Ten. Many people are interested in tidying and organizing their home but have felt stuck or overwhelmed by the process. Big feelings and emotions can arise when doing this type of work, sometimes taking you by surprise. My DailyOM team interviewed me, and I hope my responses pique your interest and get your creative juices flowing.

Course Overview

It's no secret that clutter is bad for your stress levels, the energy in your home, and your blood pressure--but instead of procrastinating, now you can do something about it. This easy-to-follow course from DailyOM's Co-Founder and Editor-In-Chief, Madisyn Taylor, will show you how to de-clutter your home, one room at a time--in just 10 minutes a day. Whether you've got a few boxes lying around, a garage full of junk, or anything in between--now you can dig in, clear the clutter out of your life, and get the peace of mind you're looking for.

  • Receive one lesson every day for 10 days (total of 10 lessons).
  • Have lifetime access to the course for reference whenever you want.
  • Select the amount you can afford, and get the same course as everyone.
  • If you are not 100% satisfied, you may request a refund.
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DailyOM: How would you describe your new course, Tidy in Ten?

Madisyn Taylor: Tidy in Ten was born from my years about writing how important our living spaces are to our well-being. The place in which we dwell has an energy that comes from those that lived there before us or is one that we ourselves created. On top of that, all of our belongings have energy, too, which adds to the mix. If we have too many belongings or if our living spaces are in disarray, that can leave us feeling drained. Removing clutter from your life frees up space for new and wonderful things to come into your life!

In this course, we start with a house blessing, and then we stick to three main principles: assess, edit, and organize. Throughout the 10 lessons, I walk you through any uncomfortable emotions that may surface while doing the work. And it is common to have strong emotions about certain possessions, keepsakes, or heirloom pieces. I share questions for you to ponder so that you can look at things in a new and fresh way. To end the course, we end with a closing blessing.

DailyOM: Do you cover all rooms in the house or just the spaces in which we spend most of our time?

MT: I include all rooms of your home, such as bedrooms, bathrooms, and the kitchen, but I also talk about your home office, laundry room, and garage. We tackle junk drawers, photos and collections, hobbies, children's items, seasonal items, and more. Since we don't all have the exact same rooms in our homes, adjustments can be made according to your own specific needs.

DailyOM: You mentioned that removing clutter can make way for new good things to come into a person's life. Why else do we need to tidy and organize our homes?

MT: Fundamentally, having a tidy house is a nice thing to do. It shows respect for your home and all those who live there. It also shows respect for the important items in your home, such as family heirlooms and photographs. Perhaps more important, living in a space that is clutter-free shows respect for yourself. When we remove clutter from our homes, we also remove it from our lives and our minds! When your living spaces are unorganized, you can feel more stressed and overloaded, and your ability to think creatively is impaired. This is something that may not be fully realized until you go through the actual tidying process.

We spend a lot of time in our homes even if a lot of that time is sleeping. (Don't get me started on clutter under the bed!) Personally, I want to do everything I can to have a peaceful and harmonious life, and when I did my tidying and organizing, I noticed a big difference in my outer and inner world. They are explicitly connected.

DailyOM: This type of work can feel overwhelming. How does the course ease that feeling?

MT: The idea of the course is to take it slow, one room at a time, and in some cases one drawer at a time. We all know that if the work is overwhelming, it won't get done. I break this down into manageable pieces. Also, the tidying doesn't have to be done in a week or even a month--you can take as much time as you need. I guide you through all the feelings and emotions that can come up doing this type of work. This is especially true if sentimental items are involved, or if you are going through items from a loved one that is no longer with you.

DailyOM: Addressing the overwhelm that can occur during the tidying process is important. How do we find the energy or motivation to start facing the clutter?

MT: I get motivated by putting on some music I love. Other people I know like to look at magazines or get inspired when they see a friend's space that is organized well. If you have family coming to stay, that can also be a great motivator! In terms of where to start, I guide you through the process. We take it nice and slow, one drawer or room at a time. Remember that you can do this at your own pace--there is no rush.

DailyOM: I have some articles of clothing that I'm really attached to and love but no longer wear. How would I go about dealing with those?

MT: In this course, you are keeping the things you love. This isn't an exercise in attachment, but it is an exercise in tidying and organizing, along with some inner work. If you have space and love something, there is no need to get rid of it. That said, I teach about some different ideas for handling those objects, such as taking photographs of the pieces you love and making a collage or using the photos as wall art. You can also do what I did and use the article of clothing as art on your wall.

DailyOM: What is the most surprising thing you learned while tidying your own home?

MT: I didn't know that I would feel so much more relaxed at home and less stressed! I had no idea that my disorganization and, in some cases, clutter were on a subtle level making me stressed. I feel really, really happy to open a drawer or cabinet and see my hard work. Getting inspired was another great benefit of doing this work. I found that after organizing my photo collections, I now have a deep yearning to do some lineage work to find out more about my ancestors.

DailyOM: What happens when your home is finally tidy and organized? Now what?

MT: We need to keep it up! Sometimes I falter and shove things into a drawer like I used to, but then I catch myself. I would rather leave an item out on the counter and put it away neatly later than shove it into a drawer and ruin all of my efforts. The key is that I organized my house based on my needs, not according to what social media says I should do. My house makes sense for my lifestyle. Everybody has their own style of organizing and tidying that comes from the way they were raised as a child. In my household, a big cleanup was done on Saturday, and during the week everything was kept in check by making piles and then taking care of them right away so that the piles didn't pile up. By taking the course, you will create a mind-set. When you are finished with your initial organizing you will want to keep it up, and there won't be much motivation needed other than wanting to see it stay nice. Over time you will find your rhythm with your home. It will speak to you and you will find out what works and doesn't work for your lifestyle, family members, and how your home functions. Some people put things away immediately, and some people have a junk basket and collect things over the week to put away on the weekend. If you pick a solution that works best for your family, then you will be more likely to keep it up.

DailyOM: Will I have to go out and buy a lot of expensive organizers?

MT: No! The beauty of this work is that you can use small boxes or baskets that you already have. I used a lot of jewelry boxes and other boxes that I cut to size. It really surprised me how much I already had around the house to use for my project. I wanted to spend my budget on my clothes closet so I purchased slim velvety hangers and gave my bulky hangers to charity. Shelf dividers keep my T-shirts and jeans in neat piles. A great way to start my day is looking at my organized and tidy closet. (The side benefit is that getting dressed for the office is much easier now!)

How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 10 days (total of 10 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

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As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration newsletter which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM and Madisyn Taylor that we think you might be interested in.

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We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

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This is the total amount for all 10 lessons

I hope you enjoyed reading about my course! If you would like to learn more, please click on the link. Until next time.

Be well,

Madisyn Taylor
Cofounder, Editor-in-Chief