You may feel weighed down by worldly concerns today, which could result in a serious and heavy outlook. Perhaps you feel saddened by the suffering you see in news reports from across the globe, or you may wish you had the ability to make a larger impact in your own community. Though you may not be able to solve all the world's problems, donating to a worthwhile charitable organization can go a long way toward making you feel empowered about your ability to make a positive difference. Simply give some thought to causes that are important to you personally, and then seek simple and creative ways to work on them proactively today.

By focusing on the ways we can make a positive difference in the world, we stop worrying so much about the things that are out of our control. Rather than allowing ourselves to feel immobilized by the things we can't control, we can instead shift our focus and begin working more proactively on the ways we can make a positive difference. As we do so, we begin to feel empowered and inspired by the changes we see taking place, which fuels our determination to continue on. Suddenly we lose interest in obsessing about the things we can't control because we are excitedly working on the things we can. Simply by taking positive action in one small area today, you can empower yourself with the ability to change the world for the better.