7,121 people have taken this course

Ever crossed paths with someone with a narcissistic personality? Narcissists tend to leave a lasting impression, as well as many pieces to pick up--maybe a deficient bank account or broken relationships, but almost always with an extreme depletion of energy. Once you recognize that you have invited a narcissist into your experience, life will never be the same.

How to Heal from Narcissistic Relationships--from Surviving to Thriving

This course is designed to guide you on the path to real and deep healing from toxic, narcissistic relationships. What many people don't realize is that the people we engage with will always mirror who we are on the inside. They reflect our insecurities, self-doubts, tendencies to over give, and feelings of unworthiness. However, once you learn the (sometimes very loud) lessons these types of relationships provide, you can heal to a depth you may not have known existed.

Toxic relationships contain much information and are a valuable asset when we are ready to make a life-changing transformation. These next two weeks will be an exploration of self at your deepest layers. You'll delve into all the pieces of you that for whatever reason have been eclipsed, hidden, or masked. These pieces usually prove to be your greatest strengths. Join Jean Atman as she guides you through the stories you have told yourself and brings you into your truth.

This course will show you how to:
  • Identify if you are in a toxic relationship and show you how to navigate or potentially end it.
  • Release ties and cords to free yourself from toxic relationships.
  • Stop living for the expectations of others and recalibrate to your own needs.
  • Heal to the core and permanently release patterns that do not serve you.
  • Embrace empowerment and self-confidence.
  • Learn to trust yourself and your guidance system to be your own most reliable and consistent ally.
Get ready to break free of toxic relationships, connect with your deeper emotions, and get a deeper understanding of the expanded version of your experiences with all the tools you need in every aspect of your life. Let's get you started!

What Others Are Saying

"Jean is truly a remarkable person. Possessing so much insight and wisdom. I highly recommend her!" --Carol

"Jean's offerings are unique and unparalleled. She works with great humility, insight, and effectiveness." --Laura

"Jean has an amazing passion and gift for what she is doing. I have already had more clarity in the direction of my life and business! I highly recommend Jean and her work." --Carrie

"Jean's work should be on EVERYONE's bucket list! We all get in our way at times, and if you want answers to help you move forward, working with Jean is a MUST. She has unparalleled skill and experience to address challenges that would take months or years of talk-therapy sessions. Her combination of wisdom, understanding of energy work, along with her genuine interest in helping others are the perfect combination to kick-start self-empowerment and real change." --Judith

"Jean is an incredibly gifted healer. I highly recommend her work to anyone desiring to feel greater empowerment and presence in their life and release the many anxieties and limiting beliefs we face today as humans." --Stephanie

"Through this experience, I learned and reaffirmed that I am always enough and deeply connected to source. Jean's work allowed me to gain more than I ever could have imagined. Jean is a gifted teacher, healer, and kind human, and I am so thankful our paths aligned." --Katie

"This training expanded my knowledge of the roots of life and gave me the skills to better my life. It was magical, uplifting, and so educational! Thank you so much, Jean!" --Jennifer

"Jean is a powerhouse of beautiful healing energy that radiates when you are in her presence. Her self-knowing, paired with her understanding of the cosmic field, has left me truly inspired! " --Francesca

About Jean Atman

Jean Atman is an ascension coach, multidimensional and transformational healer, energy-alignment specialist, conscious-conception facilitator, continuing education provider, public speaker, and retreat leader. Throughout the years, and in her quest to understand all facets of the mind, body, and spirit, Jean has acquired multiple certifications in various modalities and definitely keeps herself busy!

Jean's private practice is in beautiful Mount Pleasant, SC, and she has clients from all over the world. Her practice focuses primarily on assisting people in releasing what is not working in their lives and empowering them with tools to improve it. Jean is known to be a master of depth perception and is not only able to see what is holding clients back but assists them in releasing stubborn energetic and emotional blocks and stagnancies that may have been previously masked.

How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 2 weeks (total of 14 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Get Started Now

We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 14 lessons