You are likely in full control of your personal power today and eager to explore how much you can accomplish. This search for understanding may lead down a variety of paths in your home or workplace. You may feel compelled to take on additional or new responsibilities in order to make certain that past successes were the result of your aptitude rather than luck. Since you likely feel qualified and experienced today, you may find it easier than usual to approach the challenges related to unfamiliar duties with enthusiasm. Your natural fear of failure may be overshadowed by your passion for self-discovery, enabling you to step outside of your comfort zone without anxiety.

As we make use of our talents and skills, we often discover that we are capable of much more than we initially thought possible. It is natural to underestimate one's skills out of a sense of modesty or uncertainty, yet this inadvertently prevents us from fulfilling our true potential. In exploring the range of our aptitudes, we grow more certain of how far those abilities can take us. When we use the faculties we have nurtured through practice and practical experience, we need never question whether the goals that attract us are within our reach. Unafraid to expand our horizons, we consequently improve ourselves by doing what we love. You will understand precisely where your skills and talents can take you today because you are willing to extend yourself.