1,956 people have taken this course

Most of us have an endless stream of negative thoughts about money and abundance. Although we all want to enjoy more money and greater abundance in our lives--sometimes, desperately--our negative thinking often blocks the flow. Most often, we're stuck looking at the reality in front of us (or trying to ignore it), wondering how we got there, and not knowing how or what to change. The problem is; until we find a way to shift our mindset, we're destined to keep repeating the same patterns of lack in our lives.

Live Your Most Abundant Life Now!

Changing your thinking is the absolute first step required for financial transformation and it's more powerful than any actions you can take because without it, no lasting change is possible.

To create real financial change in your life, you have to:
  • Transform Negative Thinking (the Kind that Holds You Back Financially)
    Get right to the root of the problem, and address and transform the unhelpful thought patterns that keep you stuck or, even worse, increase your money chaos. It's critical to replace negative thinking with new beliefs to open greater avenues towards prosperity, including ones you can't even see right now.

  • Uncover the Mystery (and Dangers) of Hidden Beliefs
    Sometimes the flaws in your thinking are obvious. Often, however, you can become stuck and try as you might, you just can't figure out why that is, much less how to move forward. You need to uncover your self-sabotaging beliefs because old thought patterns (you may not even have been aware of) need to be surfaced and transformed into a new, powerful mindset that will serve your abundance journey.

  • Strengthen What's Already Working for You
    Not all of your thinking about abundance is negative, of course. There's no doubt much of your life works quite well, and perhaps some areas are already quite stellar. Based on the certainty that there's always room for more positive expansion, applying affirmations will amplify your helpful beliefs, resulting in even greater successes in areas that are already working well for you.

  • Enhance Your Appreciation of the Present Moment
    Don't focus on getting rich quick and then being happy afterward. The most important thing to do is transform your mindset so you can find the spirit of abundance and prosperity right here and now, no matter where you are on your journey.

  • Explore the Power of Real-Life Examples
    Take a look at Edward Vilga's powerful financial affirmations, bolstered by real-life examples that illustrate its truth. By grounding your mindset shifts through practical examples of these new beliefs, your ability to transform will be strengthened in very real and powerful ways.

  • Practice 14 Recorded Affirmations that Take Only One Minute Each
    The financial affirmations in Edward Vilga's course are, of course, yours to practice as often as you like and however best suits you, but there's something particularly effective about beginning them through the one-minute audio recordings. Repeating them, either silently or out loud, after they've been spoken on each lesson's accompanying recording might just help them "sink in" in more deeply.

  • Connection to a Likeminded Community
    Become part of an incredibly powerful community of Spiritual Seekers from around the world, united in the same goal of transforming and discussing/sharing their mindset. This can be truly valuable if you feel isolated and alone in your abundance journey, as many of us do.
Change your Mindset to Change Your Life, Starting Today.

With this powerful course from Edward Vilga, you'll practice affirmations that will deeply shift your thinking about money and abundance over the course of 14 days. Old thought patterns that don't serve you anymore will be revealed, explored, and discarded, allowing a new mindset to reframe and transform your thoughts and financial reality. Centered on the truth that we must first do the inner work in order to create real and lasting change in our lives, this course does exactly that via 14 powerful mindset-shifting affirmations. Just imagine what life would be like if you could effectively and joyfully transform your relationship with money/wealth/abundance so that you can enjoy everything you have right now while creating an always-expanding, much richer future for yourself and those you love.

What People are Saying

"Basically, Edward Vilga is the hip, yogic version of Suze Orman, only funnier. He expertly guides you through your relationship to money with compassion and a healthy dose of humor."

"The thing that I'm most proud of after completing the course is that I doubled my income by working 90% of the time on what I love."

"Edward Vilga's course guided us with ease and grace (and some humor) through what can be a very uncomfortable, touchy and private topic. I even planned a vacation to Italy that I had been wanting to take for a couple of years."

"I not only got insight into my money 'story', but cash started coming in from unexpected sources! I soon realized my hidden beliefs about money had been shaped very early in my life and as I exposed them to my awareness, 'money miracles' happened."

"Edward's unique and holistic approach is incredible and life-changing. Approaching money and finances as a practice, rather than a problem to be solved, has opened doors and helped me to understand my relationship with money (and also increased my income while doing work I am passionate about)!"

"The invitation to look at my money issues in a more holistic way piqued my curiosity. Dealing with endless recriminations of not saving enough or spending wisely enough put me into a shame box that was starting to grow steel bars. This course helped me to find a more reasonable and doable manner to rewrite the script on how I deal with dollars."

"Thank you, Edward Vilga, for these new and fresh, and yet old and deep truths about money!"

Edward Vilga

Edward Vilga brings over two decades of inspirational teaching experience connecting spirituality and wealth consciousness. Edward is the creator for DailyOM of the bestselling A Year to Get Rich with Purpose course and 21-Day Financial Detox. He is also the author of ten bestselling wellness books and DVDs. His most recent book hit #1 for all of New Thought on Amazon. Edward's work has been featured in PEOPLE and Oprah's O MAGAZINE, along with TV shows such as LIVE WITH KELLY, CBS' EARLY SHOW, and over 50 other publications. He is a Yale graduate and deeply in love with his chocolate lab, Belle.

How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 2 weeks (total of 14 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Get Started Now

We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

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This is the total amount for all 14 lessons