You may feel deserving of a reward today. A sense that recent successes entitle you to treat yourself could cause you to desire new possessions or a more opulent living arrangement. You may discover, however, that you can feel just as rewarded when you allow yourself a smaller luxury such as a meal at a favorite restaurant or a massage given by a skilled practitioner. Such rewards can be moderate yet fulfilling ways to thank yourself for your efforts. A small gift can also make you feel appreciated without causing you the financial worry that might come with a larger gift. If you feel strongly inclined to make a major purchase today, consider giving yourself a day to think it over.

Giving yourself small gifts is a wonderful way to recognize your accomplishments. We are often more willing to acknowledge and appreciate the contributions others have made to our lives or the world at large. The goals you reach are primarily a result of the hard work you do for yourself, and it's reasonable to want to thank yourself for your efforts. Treating yourself to a small luxury can ease the strain of intense labors or ongoing stress. You'll feel encouraged to continue working toward larger goals because you've allowed yourself to recognize what you've done thus far. The small indulgences you enjoy today will make you feel that your work has tangible rewards and benefits.