You may feel more contemplative than usual today and curious about how the various elements in your life affect you. Mentally revisiting your childhood or delving into family history could help you understand the forces that have shaped your life as you know it. Consider looking through old photo albums, keepsake boxes, or asking your loved ones to share their memories of you during your early years. You may discover that a particular predisposition or aversion can be traced back to a specific event in your past. If you can discover the root cause of a particular issue, you could use the insights you gain through reflection to resolve it. The deeper your inner explorations take you today, the more likely is it that you'll stumble upon a gem of wisdom that can guide you in your present and future circumstances.

Looking into your past can help you find answers to questions about your present or future. Our actions are made up of patterns of behavior that are often intimately linked to past events or old behaviors that have shaped our personalities. Examining your past and family history can show you how you have been influenced by people and events. You will begin to see the root causes of your loves and hates, and why you have chosen to follow your current path. Understanding your past can help you make important decisions in the present. What you learn about yourself could make you a more authentic individual. When you delve into your history today, you'll learn about yourself and how to approach the future.