Your energy levels may be at their peak today. As a result, you will likely approach your day's tasks with a renewed enthusiasm and feel lively even after you have addressed your personal and professional obligations. An intense craving for exercise can come over you suddenly, leading you to seek out activities that are physical in nature and require a high level of endurance. You can, however, channel this purely physical vitality into a more productive intellectual drive by using it to fuel your motivation. You'll likely find that you are as excited and enthusiastic about more cerebral personal and professional projects as you initially were about exercise. Remember, today, that the more you make use of your physical energy, the more you are likely to have it at your disposal.

Physical energy is the fuel that nourishes your enthusiasm for your daily tasks and spurs you on to great feats of accomplishment. Because energy begets energy, it is imperative that you make the most of your liveliness by utilizing it in a conscious manner. When we are lacking in physical energy, our mental and emotional vitality can suffer. As you utilize your physical energy, the body's systems are cleared of waste products and flooded with life-giving oxygen. Clarity of thought is restored, leaving you with the intellectual flexibility to view life with a rational and healthy perspective. Simple movement can refresh you and motivate you to build a more fulfilling life. As you utilize your physical energy in both bodily and intellectual pursuits today, your potential for accomplishment will be limitless.