Today may be the day you choose to adopt a more positive stance where your future is concerned. If life has been going well for you lately, it may be easy for you to envision an untroubled path leading straight to success. You may, however, need to actively visualize the brighter future you hope to bring about and then work backward to see how best to approach the goal-realization process. The triumph you see in your mind's eye can give you a new determination that strengthens and energizes you. You may find that you are more enthusiastic about your ambitions than ever before and ready to do today what it takes to prevail over any adversity you encounter.

When we are optimistic in our consideration of the prospects before us, we are naturally driven to do all we can to see the future we envision in our mind's eye come about. Optimism acts in a cyclical fashion when applied to our goals. Since we feel that success is inevitable, we are more likely to take advantage of auspicious opportunities and thus earn the achievements we desire. Our positive expectations bolster our spirits, providing us with a potent source of motivation that grants us staying power and vigor, even when we meet resistance during our journey. Though we recognize that failure is always a possibility, we are unafraid of it and accept that it is simply another aspect of the goal-realization process. The optimism with which you approach ambition today will see you through both good times and bad.