The following is an excerpt from the "Fit and Fierce Over 40" on-line course. If you would like to enroll in the course, click here.

I know you're ready to DO THIS! And so am I.

Today we'll make sure that you have all the knowledge you need to maximize your efforts on this program.

When you set your foundations properly, you will activate more muscles, gain better balance, avoid the pitfalls of strain and injury, and burn even more calories.

Basically, all the results you want will happen twice as fast when you take a moment to ensure you're doing things optimally.

I say 'optimally', because there is no such thing as doing a move or a life's path "right". There is only what works best for you, in the moment, with the body and choices and resources you have available to you.

So during this 21-Day adventure with me, I want you to begin by honoring your body, right where it is, right now. Take some breaths and thank it for getting you this far, even with all its dents and imperfections. We all have them.

Your scars don't make you unworthy. They make you human, just like the rest of your Tribe here. You are ready to empower up; not despite the pain you've endured, but because of it! Let it fuel your fire to be your most incredible YOU, ever.

When you can love yourself up for all you've learned and been through, release any punishment or negativity around your past behaviors or experiences, and come here with a clean slate, ready to continue your journey in a self-loving way, not a self-hating one, you are going to enjoy this process so much more.

And how you set your foundational points on your yoga mat: hands, feet, seat, whatever is touching the earth at any given moment--will help you
R O C K the transformation you seek even faster and more completely.

Today, listen to my thoughts on this, practice your daily workout, and look at any areas that seemed stuck in stone--things you may want to do another way in order to give you more freedom, love, health, and good energy in your life.

Write on this idea for a few minutes after you move--or, as I do, over a glass of wine or green tea. But's usually wine.

Have fun!