You may be more effective at work or at home today, which could make you feel that you have a positive impact on your immediate environment. Engaging in projects that mean something to you could be one way in which you feel that the things you do can help improve the world around you. Perhaps you can expand the scope of the projects you are interested in and get more involved with your community today. Joining a project to build or construct houses or working in a community garden project are some ways in which you can use your talents and desire to be useful to make things better for those around you. Lending a helping hand to others could give your work more meaning and may have a more lasting effect on your community.

Doing something constructive for others transforms the community around us. It is easy for us to put our energy into projects that improve our own lives, but if we instead channel that energy into something larger, we can influence the lives of people who are not as well off as we are. Giving to others comes back to us, since by developing our community we create a healthier, safer, and more positive environment for everyone to live in, which makes the fruits of our labor all the sweeter. By using your talents to do something for others today, your efforts will positively shape the world around you.