You may find you excel at everything you do today, whether your day\'s tasks involve professional responsibilities or domestic duties. Consequently, you will likely feel quite prosperous as well as sure of yourself where your abilities are concerned. Capitalizing on these pleasurable feelings may involve channeling them into self-trust so that you can further your efforts without doubting your capacity to handle the changes that take place as a result. Your purpose will no doubt be as clear to you today as it has ever been, but your potential may be heightened by your willingness to see yourself as someone who is destined for success.

When we view our growing prosperity as a sign that we are on the right track, we can continue forward confident that we are doing all we can to realize the purpose designated for us long before our birth. Many people have learned to doubt themselves so severely that they find it nearly impossible to break the cycle of uncertainty, even when their lives are unfolding in a positive and fulfilling fashion. It is important that we allow ourselves to draw encouragement from our successes, as it is these that will contribute greatly to our level of confidence and drive. We tend to be far more enthusiastic where our prospects are concerned when we believe that we are capable of achieving great feats of strength, intelligence, and endurance. The fact that you are excelling at work and at home today should be seen as a sign that you are making the right choices.