Life may have you laughing today as humor infuses your view of the world, and your light and upbeat mood when socializing may have everyone feeling cheerful. Sharing joy makes life a celebration which allows us to enjoy even the most mundane of tasks. Our bodies relax, stress is released, and the quality of life becomes better when we laugh. Laughter helps us deal with anxiety and difficult situations by helping us to see the lighter side of things. It also forms a bond between us as the light in our eyes connects with the glimmer in others'. By spreading your sense of humor today, you are bringing joy to the world around you and helping everyone lead a better, happier life.

Even as spiritual seekers, it is easy to forget the importance of humor and laughter in life. The focus on becoming still and focused in our practice seems very contradictory to the physical release of laughter. But in seeking harmony and balance, we must remember that laughter is life-affirming and allows us to feel joy throughout our bodies. This is a spiritual practice in itself. Generally, we may find that our best friendships and close relationships are those in which we share laughter. Allow yourself to think about the people, memories, and situations that make you laugh today, and then feel free to share that cheerfulness by calling or meeting with people whose lives will be touched by your laughter. Sharing joy and laughter today allows you to enjoy life physically, emotionally, and spiritually right now.