You may be fighting a feeling of inadequacy today, but it is likely that you are being too hard on yourself. We can be our own harshest critics, and we often hold ourselves to a much higher standard than we expect from others. This could cause us to lack the confidence necessary for us to move forward and accomplish all we are meant to do. Setting goals and having expectations of ourselves is like choosing a destination. We can set out for it, but we may discover alternative enticements along the way that may be better for us than we could have imagined. By allowing yourself to be flexible with the way you follow your chosen path today, you interact with life and more freely cocreate with the universe to arrive at your perfect place.

On a map, getting to a destination may seem to be a straight line, but the reality is that the terrain is a collection of hills and valleys, curves and obstacles. Life is a process of navigating the magical combination of what we know and what we don't know and working with what we find along the way. If we find that we lack the tools to do something one way, we can choose to learn another way or find a different path. There is no need to waste time and energy on beating ourselves up when that energy can put to better use by moving forward. Today release your self-judgment, and use your inner guidance to make the most of all you are.