As you affectionately express your admiration for your loved ones today, the loving atmosphere created may leave you feeling tender and effusive. Everyone around you benefits from your mood, not only those closest to you. Acquaintances and strangers will be touched by the aura of love that surrounds you though they may not recognize it. They may only notice how pleasant their interaction with you was or how light and energized they feel as they leave your presence. Those closest to you, with whom you have shared your affection, will likewise affect all they encounter, spreading the joy of your love and the lightness of being that comes with it throughout the world around you today.

We don't often think of the continuing ripples our energy creates. Whether positive or negative, we are like broadcasting towers, sending our thoughts and feelings out into the world. We may not realize the effect we have on people we may never even meet, people whose mood is altered by your choices as you move through your day. Love may feel like a very private emotion, but it has the power to transform in the most magnificent ways. It is a very personal way to experience the most positive energy in the universe, connecting energy and spirit in our physical bodies at our heart chakras. When you share this feeling today, you help others to experience this powerful, transformative, universal energy and do your part to share love with the world.