A sociable feeling today may have you enjoying the company of your close associates. As you notice how comfortable you feel in their presence, you let down your walls and allow yourself to be a pleasant companion. Allowing others access to our personal life allows the universe to send us messages we might not otherwise hear. We may also be messengers in times of sociability, receiving the inspiration to say just the right thing at just the right time to someone who needs to hear it. We many never know what effect we have on those with whom we share our time, but when we allow ourselves to be fully present in the shared moment it can be a gift to all involved. Today we choose to be a gift in whatever way we are meant to be, whether we are aware of it or not.

There have been times in all of our lives when we just needed someone to be there for us. By following our desire to be sociable today, we may be receiving guidance so that we may be there for someone else. Sometimes all a person needs is for someone to share companionable silence or perhaps a smile or just look them in the eye and acknowledge their presence. We can let ourselves be the instrument of someone's deliverance from depression, loneliness, or disassociation from the world. When you open yourself up to others today, you show them that you are willing to share your time with them, which is often the best gift someone can receive.