You may be feeling unproductive today since you would rather hang out with friends and relax than work. If you have things that need to be done, it may be better to get them finished and out of the way so that you can have uninterrupted relaxation. When feeling like this, it can seem very tempting to put everything off until the last minute but that only interferes with our fun. Perhaps you can find a way to allow the laid-back feelings to remain while you work by choosing a different location. Then you can get your work done in a leisurely fashion, and then enjoy full leisure time. You can balance work and relaxation today when you do it consciously and with intention.

When we attempt to accomplish something without our full attention, our energy is divided. If we can pull all of our energy into the present moment, however, we can attend to what needs to be done without distraction. We can accomplish more, more quickly, and then can be free to put our full energy into enjoying our time with friends. We may want to ask our friends if they mind helping us with our task. That way we can enjoy our friends and also make the work more enjoyable. By balancing work and play, we make sure we nurture our mind, body, and spirit. Today you can choose work or play, but know that your undivided attention can help you enjoy yourself more and experience the joys of life more fully.