You could find yourself resisting the demands of others today in order to follow your own demands. Trying to accomplish your own goals may feel frustrating, but rather than feeling thwarted, you can remind yourself that there is likely a reason for the situation. The universe has its own timing which does not always correspond to our ideas, so when we feel frustrated, it might be the universe's way of slowing us down. When we remember that we are always in the right place at the right time, we can stop resisting and begin to look for the gift in the situation. Today let your frustrations fall away as you choose to be where you are.

If others are making demands upon time that you had previously set aside for yourself, then you may need to examine why they feel they can do this to you. Perhaps you have trained them by allowing it previously; thereby telling them this is the way you want to be treated. If you have changed your mind, it may be difficult for others to accept, and you will have to be assertive. Earlier you may have chosen to help others in order to avoid your own path, which would mean facing parts of yourself you weren't prepared to face. But now your frustration may be an indication that you are ready to move forward with your own life. By gently and assertively communicating with those who are demanding your energy, you take a stand for yourself and begin to invest your energy back into your life today.