Today may be your lucky day, and you may have the feeling that your guardian angel is showering you with opportunities. The feeling of being blessed is as enjoyable as watching your day unfold as if you were on a winning streak. You may find red lights turning green, new checkout lines opening at your arrival, or the feeling that obstacles are stepping aside to usher you along your way. Take advantage of this feeling by taking a step outside of your comfort zone. Follow up on long-shots that may take you toward the fulfillment of your goals. Your trust in the universe today will guide you along the most direct pathway to your bliss.

In co-creating our lives with the universe, we have the power to shape our experience. Just the feeling that things are going our way may be enough to make it so, but we also have many spirits and glowing beings ready to assist us on our path. Knowing this, we can tap into a sense of providence by connecting with our center and becoming one with flow of the universe. Going within, we access our inner truth and simultaneously align ourselves with the universal wisdom. When you take the steps to combine your creative power with the energy flow of the universe, you are able to make the greatest strides toward the creation of your dreams today.