Dear Friends,

This month in our household we are deep into spring fever and loving it. It seems fitting to have this month dedicated to home and garden, which also includes our animal friends. There is no more natural time to open the windows, give our home a scrub from top to bottom, and throw out clutter. Out in the garden we are already seeing the first of our roses bloom and dreaming about filling our pots with flowers that will bring us joy for the next six months. I'm sure it comes as no surprise that spring is my very favorite time of year. I feel relieved coming out of my winter cave where I have spent months in introspection, and now I have the chance to go out into the world and try out what I have learned about myself.

I have been witnessing nature bring forth new life over these last few weeks as I sit in my home office in rewrites for my next book. I'm happy to announce that I will be having an exciting new book coming out next February and will share details about the content very soon. This is my first book that isn't in my DailyOM series of books, although it is still closely related in content. Stay tuned for more!

In the meantime, I've selected five online courses this month that pertain to home, garden, and our animal friends. Readers tell us they love our courses because they are affordable and contain great content. Each course is yours to keep so that you can refer to it anytime you want. Here are my selections for this month:

A Year to Clear What Is Holding You Back by Stephanie Bennett Vogt. Receive a new lesson each day for a year (365 lessons). There are 52 weekly themes such as moving stuck energy, shining light on invisible clutter, releasing old stories, and more. Each weekly theme will have seven lessons. Learn how to slow down, simplify, sense, surrender, and activate self-care. more info

Animal Communication Made Easy by Joan Ranquet (previously titled Simple Steps to Connect with Your Animals). This eight-week course will teach you how to communicate with your animal friends. Learn the basics of animal communication and how your feelings and pictures are sending messages to them all the time. Learn different ways to receive information telepathically and the idea of One Mind. Communication can be learned with all pets--from small to big and even animals in the wild. more info

Animal Communication Made Easy by Joan Ranquet (previously titled Simple Steps to Connect with Your Animals). This eight-week course will teach you how to communicate with your animal friends. Learn the basics of animal communication and how your feelings and pictures are sending messages to them all the time. Learn different ways to receive information telepathically and the idea of One Mind. Communication can be learned with all pets--from small to big and even animals in the wild. more info

Feng Shui Secrets by Lissa Coffey. This is an 8-week course about the practice of feng shui, the art of living in harmony and balance by creating energy flow in your home. You will learn how to incorporate strategies into your home to improve wealth, health, career, creativity, and more. more info

Clear Your Home, Clear Your Life by Stephanie Bennett Vogt. This -day course offers you a toolkit to help simplify, clear habits, cultivate detachment, and clear the clutter while connecting with your home in a new, sacred way. Stephanie offers four centering meditations in the course to instill rest, acceptance, and ease into your life. more info

How to Speak So Your Dog Will Listen by Neil Sattin. In this eight-week course you will learn to find out what is at the root of any behavior problem you are experiencing with your dog. Learn to communicate with your dog so he/she truly understands you and so much more. more info

Don't forget to get out in nature and take advantage of our longer days and warmer weather. I look forward to seeing you back in this space next month.