You may be feeling blocked and frustrated today, which could be because you are holding yourself back. Conserving your energy and creativity for a later date can at first seem beneficial, but if you continue to prevent your ideas from flowing, you might find that your sense of unease only grows. Finding a way to release your blocks could make you feel much better about yourself and your creative ideas. A good idea might be to keep a small journal of ideas that you have about the future but that you may not be able to get to immediately. Doing this can increase your feelings of creativity while at the same time help you to plan future projects. Just seeing your ideas on the page today might give you a feeling of accomplishment and lessen your frustration.

We can break down our mental barriers by allowing our creativity to flow. Even though we may have imaginative ideas, it is easy to feel constrained by our time and energy. It is then easy for us to become discouraged by our limited thinking. The mere act of visualizing and writing down our ideas, however, ignites our creative energy, which makes us feel more optimistic about what we can accomplish. Having a tangible record of our inspirations and thoughts is an important key toward breaking down any barriers we may create. Putting your thoughts down on paper today will give you a chance to creatively work out your ideas and envision what you can achieve.