The following is an excerpt from the "Feng Shui Secrets" on-line course. If you would like to enroll in the course, click here.

Feng Shui Basics: Getting Started

The underlying premise of Feng Shui is that everything in your environment, down to the smallest detail of furnishing and décor can either further your goals in life or work against you. By understanding the subtle currents of energy that flow through your body and through everything in the universe, you can arrange your living and working spaces to help you reach your goals.

The arrangement of your home or office can affect your peace of mind and physical health. By applying the principles of Feng Shui, it is possible to make your relationships healthier and to create living and working environments more attuned to the life force that surrounds each of us.

Clearing your clutter is essential in Feng Shui.

What you want is available to you, but there may be no room in your home or your life for it! Letting go of what no longer serves you must occur before more treasures can come into your life. The simple act of clearing clutter can transform your life by releasing negative emotions, generating energy and allowing you to create space in your life for the things you want to achieve.

Begin today by choosing one area to begin with, such as a counter top that has accumulated an entire month of junk mail. You'll get more, really! Keep the clutter-busting simple. If you look at the whole picture, you might become overwhelmed and not do anything.

Releasing the Past and Preparing for the Future

In Feng Shui, our homes are regarded as sacred places; therefore it is very important that we maintain our homes, just as we maintain the hygiene and health of our bodies.

The second step to incorporating Feng Shui into your daily life is to fix and repair everything in your home, office and garden. Oftentimes, we hold onto items that are in need of repair, but never get around to repairing them. Broken items are symbolic of a broken life and who needs that?

How much stuff do you have that needs a screw, a dab of glue, a stitch or two? Make time to sort through these items and determine what you really want and what you know you will never fix. Determine the value of this item and if it is truly something you want to hang on to, take the time to fix it or take it to someone who will fix it for you. If you are ready to part ways with the item, then place it in the trash, sell it or donate it, but get rid of it. You won't miss is, and you'll feel so much better.