Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Skinny Thinking Thought Diet & more courses


January 26, 2016
The Skinny Thinking Thought Diet & more courses

Dear DailyOM Friend,

We're honored to share with you these on-line courses on DailyOM this week:

The Skinny Thinking Thought Diet by Laura Katleman-Prue - This 24 day course from bestselling author, Laura Katleman-Prue, will help you radically change your relationship to food by changing the way you think about it. Anyone can force off weight on a diet, but it's like pulling off the top of a weed. It comes right back unless you take care of the root - the way you think about food. Here's why the Skinny Thinking Thought diet can help you, when everything else has failed. Thinking leads to desire which leads to action. If you stop thinking about food, you can't desire it, and you can't gain weight. Using the simple five minute daily exercises in the Skinny Thinking Thought Diet, you will le! arn how to stop thinking about food and how to stop romanticizing it. This course will help you develop a new healthy and mature relationship with food, and you will gain freedom from worrying about your weight or what you eat! more

Reinvent Your Self-Image by Krishanti - Through this 4 week course with intuitive consultant, Krishanti, you will be guided to reinvent yourself, creating a positive, powerful, sparkling, radiant presence that announces to the world how much you LOVE yourself and your life. Imagine the energy of your true spirit amplified across the entire spectrum, shaping the whole of your experience, creating lasting excitement, happiness and fulfillment. This course will show you how to tap into the right internal energy to make that happen. Your self-image is a combination of both your energetic vibration and your physical form. It informs the world of who you are, what you think of yourself, an! d how you expect to be treated. If your self-image is not in alignment with your true spirit, your vibration will feel tired, shabby and low. This course will help you identify and shift your vibration, wake up your soul, and re-program your energy field so you can transform your self-image and start living the life you really want. more

Shift Your Subconscious for a New Life by Ellen Richter - This 6 week course with life and wellness coach, Ellen Richter, will teach you how to use the power of your subconscious mind to create the new you from the inside out, where real and lasting change occurs. It is true that we create our own reality. You've heard it before and you may have taken multiple courses, read many books and acquired a lot of knowledge on the subject. You set your intentions and applied your new knowledge and skills. Maybe you succeeded. For a little while. If you haven't made lasting change or realized your dreams, it's not your fault! To make real change, you must change the subconscious. Your subconscious mind controls ove! r 95% of your thoughts, emotions and behavior. What you are living now is a result of early programming. This course will teach you how to work with your mind to change it's programming, and move into allowance, inspiration, and ease instead of endless struggle. Your life will change to match the new programming you DECIDE to implant into your subconscious. You CAN take your power back and live deliberately. more

21 Day Total Transformation by Sadie Nardini and Ariel Towne - Sadie Nardini, founder of Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga, and Feng Shui Expert, Ariel Towne, team up in this 21 day course to give you a personal revolution that will transform your life from the inside out! Instead of targeting one area of yourself and life, then another, wasting time and energy, you will multitask and get more results in less time. It's like doing 3 different life-changing courses at once, without any additional time commitment. You'll discover their most tried-and-true teachings and tips they have used to take thousands of clients' bodies, minds, hearts and outer spaces to the next level of abundance. Each day you will receive t! hree videos that include: a core enlightening and empowering talk with Sadie and Ariel, a super-targeted yoga move per day focused on the day's topic, and a Shui action step to empower you to make changes right away! more

7 Steps to Live the Life of Your Dreams by Virginia Palmer - This 8 week course with therapist and success coach, Virginia Palmer, lays out a seven-step system designed to help you achieve your goals and life dreams. You will learn how to create, direct and to manifest your dreams with precision and accuracy. This course will also address how to identify and change obstacles into positive movement towards fulfilling your dream. You will experience a series of transformational processes that lead to optimal choices for success. Through the lessons in this course you will discover more of your dream, write a personal vision statement, and connect with your Truer Self, Higher-Self and Soul. You will learn how ! to define and build your dream, expand your valued self and your self-image, and apply tools of manifestation. By discovering your higher qualities you will increase your imagination and ignite your desire and passion to create and live the life of your dreams! more

Also, be sure to check out the following most popular courses on DailyOM:

1. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
2. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!
3. 21 Day Yoga Body!
4. A Year of Rumi
5. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
6. A Year of Guided Meditations
7. Heal Your Money Karma
8. 14 Day Yoga Fat Blaster
9. Shape Shift to Your Best Body Ever
10. 8 Week Whole Body Makeover!

For more information visit:
> DailyOM Courses


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