2,035 people have taken this course

It is a simple fact: we all need money. But many of us suffer from limiting beliefs and anxiety about it. Whether you are constantly finding yourself coming up short, are afraid to spend what you have, or feel like you are working yourself to the bone to make enough of it, money can become an ever-present burden in your mind. But you can change your relationship with money from worry, stress, and limitation to balance, happiness, and freedom.

Make Money Your Friend

This course by bestselling author and money expert Ken Honda shows you how to finally take control of your emotional relationship with money by learning the specific ways that money affects your emotions and identifying which patterns are specifically at work in your life. This journey will take you through all the experiences, both happy and difficult, that created the set of beliefs you now hold about money, many of which may be limiting you from reaching your true potential. By taking this course, you'll heal past "money wounds" and you might even change your career or reevaluate some of your relationships, so that money becomes a source of happiness in your life.

What is included in this course:
  • Eight lessons and videos that will guide you in examining and changing your relationship with money.
  • Insights on how to heal the past pain or trauma that created beliefs that limit how money flows in and out of your life.
  • Tips on how to do an in-depth analysis regarding the principles of your Money Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
  • Lessons that will help you understand how your beliefs about money affect your life.
  • Ways to learn about your Money Blueprint and your Money Container.
  • Exercises that will help you release emotional blocks that impede your money flow.
  • Writing prompts to guide you to discover your hidden truths and understand the power of appreciation.
  • And more!
Who should take this course:
  • Those who want to learn more about their EQ with money.
  • Anyone who wants to start attracting more Happy Money to them.
  • People who are feeling fear and anxiety when they think about money.
  • Those who are having a difficult time breaking unhealthy habits when it comes to their finances.
  • Anyone who has a difficult time spending or appreciating the money they have.
  • People who are working endless hours and still cannot get ahead.
  • Those who are feeling stuck in their job or their life.
  • Anyone who is holding on to family trauma that is affecting their relationship with money.
  • Those who wish to connect with their talents and passions, and make money from them.
Learning about your emotional intelligence with money will allow you to transform your life, from reducing stress and tension to releasing fear to increasing your life skills and joy. Your relationships with others will improve, and you may find that opportunities begin to present themselves that you simply may not have noticed in the past. Start today!

What People Are Saying

"As a self-employed artist, I have to live with a lot of uncertainty with money. After learning from Ken, I feel calmer in that I can trust money will flow freely. Even in periods where I don't earn much and don't know what the next step is, I can still trust that money is my friend and wants to be in a happy relationship with me. In that way, I can feel safe and supported. Thank you so much!" - Anne

"My husband passed away two years ago, and I inherited quite a bit of money compared to what I am used to, and I always feel bad for spending it. I always had this feeling that it was sad money. When I heard Ken say that receiving money from your dead family member is feeling their love and care, it changed my mindset right away on my money. It is not sad money; the circumstances were, but it is love money. He will always be with us, so all the money I get from my investments is him here with us too. Wow! Thank you!!" - Marie

"My money now wants to go out only if I buy something worthy and useful, or else it doesn't make me feel good to spend it. Ken has such powerful techniques to change your mind and energy!" - Puratchi

"Wow, there were some strong movements of energy out of my body with Ken's teaching. A lot of shame and guilt was stored near the heart, but after this course, I was able to not only reduce the emotional charge but feel a release." - Daniela

"One of the biggest takeaways from Ken was how to view money as a friend. The more I have detached from struggling, the easier money comes. I can feel I am on a huge roll and now the fun starts." - Nadia

"The lessons not only helped my relationship with money and my family history with money, but it also helped me believe that I can be successful in my career. What a blessing this has been!" - Robyn

"The negative feelings I used to have when paying money is changing to an appreciation for being able to pay. I have a lot of chances to donate and because of Ken's teachings, I've been happily doing it. Love and thank you for Ken!" - Hiroko

About Ken Honda
Money and happiness expert Ken Honda is a bestselling self-development author in Japan. He studied law at Waseda University in Tokyo and entered the Japanese workforce as a business consultant and investor. Ken's financial expertise comes from owning and managing several businesses, including an accounting company, a management consulting firm, and a venture capital corporation. His writings bridge the topics of finance and self-help, focusing on creating and generating personal wealth and happiness through deeper self-honesty. Ken provides ongoing support through mentoring programs, business seminars, therapeutic workshops, and correspondence courses. He is the first person from Japan to be voted into the Transformational Leadership Council, a group of personal and professional development leaders. He is fluent in Japanese and English, and currently resides in Tokyo, Japan.

How Does It Work?
Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 8 days (total of 8 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Free Gift
As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration excerpt which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM and Ken Honda that we think you might be interested in.

Get Started Now
We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

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