The vivid loveliness you see all around you can awaken your passions today, prompting you to seek out the beauty hidden in the seemingly mundane aspects of your existence. Whereas once you might have found your outer world obligations or your domestic responsibilities dull, you will now likely see how your diligence contributes not only to your own well-being but also to the well-being of your loved ones. You may feel more alive than usual, energized by the vibrancy of your environment and rejuvenated by your new appreciation for life's simple pleasures. Today can be the perfect day to rediscover the radiance of the individuals you care most deeply about, long neglected hobbies, and goals you let fall by the wayside.

The world seems like a vastly brighter place when we make an effort to perceive the simple loveliness of the everyday elements of our lives. There is always something worthy of appreciation in our individual environments, but oftentimes we cannot see it because we are so focused on the more negative aspects of our experience. The more we focus on the positive, the better we feel about ourselves and the universe as a whole. We are more apt to think optimistically about the future, believing as we do that there is new beauty waiting for us around every corner. As a result, we are inspired to reach beyond ourselves to appreciate the subtle wonders of the environments in which we live. Your own passionate awareness of worldly goodness will refresh your soul today.