With this doctor-designed course, you can strengthen your pelvic floor with simple and effective tips and exercises that you can practice for a lifetime.

Dear Friends,

Dr. Brianne Grogan is a physical therapist and health and nutrition coach who has a mission: to bring awareness to the struggle many women have with pelvic floor issues and to help them overcome them. In this interview, she talks about her DailyOM course Strengthening Your Pelvic Floor. With knowledge and experience, she educates and shows you simple yet highly effective exercises for lifetime pelvic health. Let's hear more from Dr. Bri!

Course Overview
In this 10-day course, physical therapist Dr. Brianne Grogan, will teach you five- to seven-minute functional movements and stretches that naturally restore and improve your pelvic floor, deep inner core muscles, and posture. These lessons will include guided videos and reflections to help you feel more connected to yourself and your body. By the end, you'll transform your pelvic floor health and feel a greater sense of comfort and confidence.
  • Receive a new lesson every day for 10 days (total of 10 lessons).
  • Have lifetime access to the course for reference whenever you want.
  • Select the amount you can afford, and get the same course as everyone.
  • If you are not 100% satisfied, you may request a refund.

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This is the total amount for all 10 lessons

Interview With Brianne Grogan

DailyOM: What motivated you to design a course that targets the pelvic floor?

Brianne Grogan: There were two main motivators for me to create this course. The first is awareness (or lack thereof) and stems from my work as a pelvic health physical therapist. I cannot count the number of times that women with bladder leakage or other pelvic floor issues said to me, "You mean there's help for this type of thing? I had no idea!" The other statement I hear over and over is, "Why did no one tell me about this!? I wish I had known so much sooner! I could have prevented these problems if I'd only known." Despite the gradual rise in awareness about pelvic health, many people still have no idea that pelvic health concerns, such as leakage, prolapse, and pain, are common, that they are not alone, and that there is hope and help. I feel that the creation and distribution of this course will encourage more women to not only learn about their pelvic floor and take care of their pelvic health, but also to spread the message to their friends and family members. Together, we can create a ripple effect and empower women all over the world to feel more confident!

My second motivator for creating this course was to disrupt and dismantle the common notion about pelvic floor strengthening. Typically, when people want to strengthen their pelvic floor, they go straight to Kegel exercises. I am here to dispel the myth that Kegels are the only way (or the best way) to get a strong pelvic floor. This isn't true! In fact, relaxation is the most important place to start for pelvic floor strengthening. This is counterintuitive and goes against what many people might think, but in this course, I will tell you why and show you how. This is the secret to pelvic floor fitness!

DailyOM: Why is it so important to maintain the health of our pelvic floor? What are some common problems?

BG: Pelvic floor issues can impact both female and male bodies, although women typically have more pelvic health concerns than men. This is due in part to female anatomy and to the fact that many women bear children. While pregnancy and childbirth are amazing, beautiful, and powerful experiences, they cause significant strain on the core and pelvic floor muscles during the nine (plus) months that we carry our babies. Furthermore, many women experience pelvic floor injuries during the birth process. For simplicity, I will speak to common problems that women experience. These include bladder leakage, pelvic organ prolapse (a descent of the bladder, bowel, or womb, which can cause feelings of heaviness or "dragging" in the pelvis), and pelvic pain and/or tension. Please note that while I mentioned pregnancy above, even women who have never been pregnant can experience pelvic floor problems.

Pelvic tension is a very common concern among women and men of all ages and stages. Excessive tension contributes not only to low back and pelvic pain (including painful sex), but it can also contribute to bladder leakage, urinary urgency and frequency, and can be associated with prolapse as well! Often people who leak or who have pelvic organ prolapse unintentionally clench their pelvic floor muscles all day long in an unconscious effort to "keep everything in." This ends up being counterproductive, as it exhausts the pelvic floor muscles and can squeeze around the very organs that they're trying to support. This is one reason the course starts with relaxation as the first step. Relaxation is key for any participant, whether they're dealing with tense and painful muscles, painful sex, bladder issues, or prolapse.

DailyOM: You talk about the social stigma women face about pelvic health, for example, bladder leakage. Do you think that's changing? What's your advice to women who are embarrassed to talk about these concerns?

BG: Admittedly, as a pelvic health advocate, I live in a bubble. I surround myself with colleagues and clients who are interested in and aware of the pelvic floor, and in my world, pelvic health is talked about quite openly. However, in the general population, there are still significant social stigmas surrounding pelvic health. Some women may feel this more acutely than others based on their upbringing, personal experiences, and even cultural background. I am reminded of the stigma when I see studies and surveys indicating that, even though our pelvic floor is an integral part of elimination, sexual health, stability, and childbirth, many women don't know what their pelvic floor is, what it does, or why it's important.

Furthermore, people often live with pelvic health issues for many, many years before they tell their doctor about it and ask for help. Due to shame and embarrassment, many women do not even talk to their female friends about their issues; instead, they simply purchase incontinence protection and decide to "live with it" (not necessary!) since it's "just a part of getting older" (not true!). The truth is that while pelvic health issues are common, they're not normal, and they are certainly not required. There are things that can be done to prevent pelvic floor issues and to treat issues that are currently in progress. This course is a great place to start!

DailyOM: Tell us how you laid out this course.

BG: The course begins with a focus on body awareness and pelvic floor relaxation. There is a brief intro video where I share basics about pelvic floor anatomy, and in the first lesson, participants are encouraged to feel into their pelvic floor muscles during a series of simple stretches that release and relax the pelvic muscles. Lesson 1 is worth returning to anytime throughout the duration of the course; the stretches feel great, and they're so healthy for your pelvic floor, especially since many people have tension as their primary concern. Next, we move into lessons that bring in the other players of the inner core team, including the breathing diaphragm, deep abdominals, and back and hip muscles. Just like you would want a strong foundation for your home, not cardboard walls and a leaky roof, the same goes for your body. You want a strong pelvic floor and for the rest of your core to be strong and coordinated as well.

After this foundation of body awareness and total-core integration has been laid, we focus on the pelvic floor muscles themselves. We do this via isolated pelvic floor muscle exercises (i.e., Kegels). Although Kegels are often the go-to exercise for pelvic floor strengthening, they are only a small portion of this entire course. Moving forward, you will experience unique pelvic floor strengtheners that you might never have tried before, moves that involve multiplanar motions, improve pelvic floor coordination and control, and more. The program concludes with an emphasis on functional exercises that allow you to integrate pelvic floor strengthening into daily activities. I also share a simple Kegel routine you can do daily for long-term maintenance and give a final reminder about the importance of fitting pelvic floor awareness (and pelvic floor fitness) into your daily activities. The course doesn't require any special equipment other than a yoga mat and common items you have around your home, such as a chair, hand towel, etc. The best part is that the routines are short. You can fit them into any schedule.

DailyOM: What are two of your favorite practices someone could begin doing today to strengthen their pelvic floor?

BG: Hands down, my favorite practices in this course are 360-degree core breathing and dance. Core breathing is a style of diaphragmatic breathing in which you expand all the way around as you inhale, allowing the pelvic floor to lower, release, and receive the pelvic organs. As you exhale, your belly and ribs glide in, and your pelvic floor gently lifts. It not only mobilizes the pelvic floor and other core muscles, but it is also extremely relaxing to the nervous system. Calm muscles work better, and breathing is the perfect starting place for a well-functioning body. Besides, breathing can be done anytime, anywhere, and you can feel positive results instantly. The other practice you can begin doing today is dance. Any style of dance that moves and grooves the pelvis (think belly dance, Latin dance, etc.) simultaneously strengthens and relaxes the pelvic floor muscles and utilizes all the surrounding hip and core muscles that support and activate the pelvic floor. I have known so many happy hip circlers, and all you have to do is turn on your favorite song and let your body move. It's the most fun way to strengthen your pelvic floor!

How Does It Work?
Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 10 days (total of 10 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Free Gift
As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration newsletter which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM and Brianne Grogan that we think you might be interested in.

Get Started Now
We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

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This is the total amount for all 10 lessons

Thanks, Dr. Bri! As you can see, this 10-day course is packed with empowering information, tips, and tools, beyond the daily short workouts. She offers a holistic approach that goes deep into how you understand and strengthen your pelvic floor, while also making it engaging and fun! Until next time.

Be well,
