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Natural Pelvis Reset for Lower Back Pain

Irritating lower back pain can be caused by something as simple as bending down to pick something up the wrong way, sitting or standing too much, or sleeping in an awkward position, all of which can color your day with discomfort and pain. However, if you don't add a specific lower back program into your routine to address it, the pain will continue to be triggered and worsened by everyday movements. What many people don't realize is that lower back pain is a whole-body issue and needs to be addressed with specific stretches, core strengthening moves and gentle pelvis reset moves that support the entire body. The reassuring news is that this type of pain can now be relieved in as little as 10-15 minutes a day with the right stretching and strengthening routine.

Free Yourself From Lower Back Pain. For Good.

With this course, you'll discover the most common causes of lower back pain, which muscles contribute to imbalance, and how to naturally and gently restore your core, pelvis and lower back to being pain-free. Over seven days, you'll focus on resetting your pelvis with four proven signature moves that will naturally and gently correct any pelvic imbalances, which will be followed by stretching one or two of the contributing muscle groups that tend to be short, tight and strong, or 'hypertonic.' Finally, you'll focus on strengthening a synergist muscle group that tends to be weak or misfiring, causing lower back pain.

With this highly beneficial course, you'll learn:
  • The common causes of lower back pain and their surprising contributing factors.
  • How to naturally and safely reset your pelvis with four simple moves.
  • How to restore the strength of your core to prevent further injury.
  • How to gently stretch out tight muscles that can cause ongoing lower back pain if untreated.
  • How to strengthen your hip and core stability muscles to regain lost strength and mobility within the lower back area.
Understanding and addressing lower back pain as a whole-body issue is critical for healing the root cause of lower back pain, not just the symptoms. And remember, all it takes is 15 minutes of effort a day to participate in this healing journey to reset your body and be pain-free once again.

What People Are Saying

"This course changed my life! I recommend it for anyone who suffers from back pain. Fantastic exercises and stretches that I never would have thought of. It has enabled me to become more active and get on with life. I'm now living, not surviving. Thank you, DailyOM, and thank you, Jannine Murray!" - Emma

"I have purchased quite a few courses on DailyOM. This course far surpasses all the others. I literally cannot live without these pelvic reset exercises! Not only did I gain almost immediate relief from pain, but as many others noted, I felt more connected to every other part of my body! You rock, Jannine! I will be using these for the rest of my life! The biggest takeaway psychologically are the words 'lower back pain is a whole-body issue'!" - Kathy

"I've spent thousands of dollars on PT and chiropractors, and no one ever showed me these moves. After doing them once, I felt the most pain relief ever in five years. I could cry. Seriously. Thank you so much." - Gina

"Wow, I've now been through a whole week of exercises, and I cannot believe the difference it has made to my lower back. It literally feels better than it has in years. I'm definitely keeping this up. Thank you so much for this incredible course." - Isabel

"This sequence has literally changed my life. I have had chronic SI problems with my back going out at least twice a year for the past eight years. I have been to multiple PTs and my trusty chiropractor. There have been improvements and learnings, but nothing that changed my core so profoundly. Jannine's exercise series will be on permanent rotation in my life. Jannine, thank you so much! I'm truly grateful." - Jenny

"I am a doctor of osteopathy who practices manual manipulative medicine! Thumbs up! Great for bladder, kidney, prostate, menstruation dysfunction, sciatica and lumbar disk pain. Good job, Jannine." - Daniel

"I started Jannine's Pelvis Reset videos last November. I continue to regularly use them and I feel healthier and stronger than I ever have. My hip issue is gone, my spine management continues and I am able to function well in my very physical life. Yes, Jannine rocks!" - Margaret

About Jannine Murray (1982 - 2022)
Jannine Murray was a health and fitness specialist and personal trainer in Victoria, British Columbia. Her journey started at 16 years old when she studied for two years at the spiritual retreat Sointula Greens in Lytton, BC. It was there that she learned about food as medicine, working with the earth and plant energies, and powerful mind-body meditative techniques like the Silva Method. This spurred her on a path to grow and help heal others. She had an extensive background in martial arts; aerobics; weight training; ballet, modern and jazz dance; and holistic nutrition. Dedicated and inspired through fitness, Jannine 'hoped to change the world, one body at a time.' She passed away on April 14, 2022, but her inspiring work lives on.

How Does It Work?
Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 1 week (total of 7 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Free Gift
As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration excerpt which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM and Jannine Murray that we think you might be interested in.

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We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

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