This doctor-designed program will flatten your abs and tone your core, and you won't have to do a single sit-up.

Dear Friends,

Dr. Brianne Grogan is a physical therapist and women's health and nutrition coach who is passionate about helping people feel and be their most brilliant selves. In this interview, she talks about her course, No Sit-Up Abs Workout. With expert knowledge and experience, she takes core fitness into new directions and teaches exercises that are safe and gentle while being highly effective. Let's hear more from Dr. Bri!

Course Overview
Who says doing sit-ups is the only way to tone your abs? In this popular fitness course, physical therapist Dr. Brianne Grogan will guide you through a series of quick workouts specifically designed to wake up your deepest core muscles and flatten your stomach without a single sit-up. With expert insights and dietary advice, you'll also learn how to increase joint mobility, reduce belly bloat, and improve your digestion. Get ready to tighten and tone your tummy with just 10 short minutes a day.
  • Receive a new lesson every day for 1 week (total of 7 lessons).
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Interview With Brianne Grogan

DailyOM: Why do so many people dislike sit-ups? What types of effective core-fitness alternatives do you teach in your course?

Brianne Grogan: Sit-ups are a classic ab exercise, and while they have their place in the world of core fitness, they are not the best move for flattening the abs and toning your total core. Besides, they are a move that many people dread! For me, sit-ups bring back memories of middle school physical education class. I remember partnering up and completing as many sit-ups as I could in one minute, with my classmate holding my feet down, as I sweated and strained to get in my reps. These timed sit-up tests were stressful, uncomfortable, and as it turns out, hard on the spine and potentially damaging when done without proper technique and care.

Sit-ups overwork the hip flexors, which are the muscles that run from your thighs to the lumbar spine in the lower back. When your hip flexors are too strong or tight, they tug on the lumbar spine and create a large compressive force on the discs and vertebrae. This can create low back pain and even injury when done repeatedly over time. Furthermore, if you have any type of core weakness (such as diastasis recti) or pelvic floor concerns, like pelvic organ prolapse, sit-ups aren't safe. They can create an incredible amount of intra-abdominal pressure, which is problematic for these concerns. They can even strain your neck if you unintentionally jut your chin forward to help pull yourself up. In my course, I teach alternatives that work the entire core without overworking any single muscle group. My well-rounded routines focus on the corset-like muscles of the core that cinch and narrow the waist, not just the six-pack muscles and the hip flexors that sit-ups favor.

DailyOM: What creates the stubborn belly pooch that so many of us deal with, especially as we get older?

BG: One thing that can create a stubborn belly pooch is a condition called diastasis recti, which is a widening of the gap between the rectus abdominis (or six-pack) abdominal muscles. This separation is natural and necessary to provide room for a growing baby during pregnancy, but for many women, diastasis recti (DR) persists after childbirth. Many women aren't aware that they have DR until well after delivery, or even after their baby has become a toddler, when they develop an abdominal hernia, chronic low-back pain, or they just can't get rid of the "mommy tummy." All of these problems can occur due to an unclosed diastasis. The lingering mommy tummy may actually be, in large part, due to protruding abdominal organs. You might be thinking, "This doesn't apply to me! I've never been pregnant." Even if you are a woman who has never been pregnant, or if you are a man, you can develop DR as well. The DR separation can develop as a result of repetitive straining, heavy lifting done incorrectly, and/or overdeveloping the upper abs while simultaneously ignoring the deep abs and pelvic floor muscles.

One of the functions of the abdominal muscles is to compress your abdominal contents and "keep everything in place." If you have an unclosed diastasis, your abs aren't able to compress your abdominal contents the way they did before they separated. Ultimately, if you have a lingering pooch, if you notice a gap or separation between your six pack muscles, or if you notice doming or tenting during sit-ups and crunches, then you might have DR. The great news is that the exercises in my course strengthen the deepest layer of core muscles that help flatten the belly and heal DR. You can feel safe with my moves as long as you follow my instructions for breathing and technique.

DailyOM: Throughout the lessons, you refer to the "core seat belt" and ask people to engage their "pelvic floor first." Why are these cues important?

BG: Thinking of the deep abs like a "seat belt" reinforces awareness that these core muscles are not just located on the front of your belly. Rather, they surround your trunk and act to compress your abdominal contents and help stabilize and protect your spine. When you engage these muscles correctly, you not only create a flat tummy but you also prevent injury. Activating your core seat belt creates deep, foundational support for your ab workouts. The balance is so important. It's essential that you don't just focus on the front of your body when exercising your core. Whenever you work your abs, you also need to strengthen the posterior chain (back and glute muscles) in order prevent muscular imbalances in your body. I address this in the course and have carefully designed each workout to be super effective and balanced. Activating your core seat belt is also important for supporting your posture. Exercising around a long, properly aligned spine (using the deep core muscles that go all the way around, like a corset) helps seal in great posture and prevents back pain during your workout and in daily life as well.

As for the "pelvic floor first" cue, it's important to engage your pelvic floor muscles to avoid excessive downward pressure on the pelvic organs. The pelvic floor is the foundation of the core, and you need to preemptively lift the pelvic floor muscles whenever you are doing something that increases intra-abdominal pressure, such as lifting, pushing, pulling, or doing core work. As an example, think of any core exercise that involves trunk flexion. Flexion without pelvic floor activation is like bending a full tube of toothpaste without the cap screwed on. If you bend the uncapped tube, out comes the toothpaste! You need to tighten the cap in order to keep the contents contained. The pelvic floor first cue helps keep your pelvic organs contained, along with managing intra-abdominal pressure via breathing strategies.

DailyOM: You focus on proper, healthy breathing during your daily workouts. Why does how we breathe matter?

BG: A lot of people do not realize that the breathing diaphragm is actually a part of the core. I think of it as the "roof" of the core, whereas the pelvic floor is the "floor" of the core (and the transversus abdominis wraps all the way around). All of these deep inner core muscles work together when breathing. Exhalation naturally lifts your diaphragm, lifts your pelvic floor, and activates your transversus abdominis to help expel the air. If you do not exhale with exertion, the pressure that builds up in your abdomen during core workouts does not have anywhere else to go but outward (resulting in a tummy pooch) or downward (which can weaken your pelvic floor and push down on your pelvic organs, resulting in prolapse over time). Ultimately, steady breathing is key. I like to focus on exhalation during the exertion phase. This helps manage intra-abdominal pressure and also helps activate the deep abs and pelvic floor, keeping your tummy flat and your pelvic organs protected.

DailyOM: Your course unites the mind and body. You offer non-exercise lifestyle challenges to help people flatten their abs outside of their fitness routines. Why is this so important for people to learn?

BG: Any health goal requires more than a few minutes of practice and then going right back to an unhealthy lifestyle. The belly-flattening results of this program are sparked by the quick fitness routines, but the lasting benefits come from the 99 percent of the rest of the day when you are not doing the exercises! I did the math, and it is pretty astonishing: a 10-minute workout comprises just 0.7 percent of a full 24-hour period (or just over 1 percent of your productive waking hours). Thus, your exercise session is just 1 percent of your day! This is why I've included bonus non-exercise challenges that introduce important lifestyle concepts tailored to the goal of ab flattening. These range from digestive support to stress management, which are key wellness components that can lead to abdominal girth (bloating, weight gain) when left unchecked. I'm a firm believer that good health, and lasting change, requires a holistic approach. This seven-day program is the perfect start.

How Does It Work?
Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 1 week (total of 7 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

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As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration newsletter which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM and Brianne Grogan that we think you might be interested in.

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We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

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Thanks, Dr. Bri! As you can see, this seven-day course is packed with lots of great information, tips, and tools, beyond the daily 10-minute workouts. She offers a holistic approach that goes deep into how you understand, tone, and strengthen your core, while also making it fun! Until next time.

Be well,
