19,595 people have taken this course

Turning 40 is a milestone to be celebrated, and more women than ever find that they start to hit their stride in embracing their beauty, confidence, and grace at this age. But, just as we find that many of our skincare products and regimes need revamping once we move into our fourth decade, it is also time to reassess what we put into our bodies. Maybe you've noticed changes in your digestive system, an extra pound or inch around the waist that wasn't there before, or new sensitivity to caffeine or alcohol. Whatever you are feeling and noticing is directly related to the hormonal changes that happen to everyone once they hit 40, but it is also something we can alleviate with simple dietary changes. With some expert tips and insights, anyone forty or above can increase their metabolism and be more vivacious than ever.

Look and Feel Fabulous From the Inside Out

Your dietary and lifestyle choices make all the difference in how your wellness story will play out. After the age of 40, you can't get away with those fun dietary and lifestyle discretions of the past as easily. That's not to say that you're doomed to eating boring, tasteless food and should have no fun or social life. It just means that if you want to sail through your 40's and beyond feeling and looking your best, you'll need to make some dietary and lifestyle adjustments. And that's exactly what this course is here to help you with!

The Next 10 Days Will Bring Back the Best Version of You

Over the next ten days, you'll finally begin to understand why you're struggling with belly fat and bloat, as well as a sluggish metabolism and digestive issues.

With this fun and highly beneficial 10-day course, you'll get:
  • 10 daily lessons with wellness-targeted, delicious recipes for people in their 40's, and above.
  • Specific tools to create your personal health assessment.
  • Superfood recommendations that help reverse and prevent the primary wellness factors people face after 40.
  • Short homework assignments with concrete actionable steps for the best results.
Get Your Hormonal Shifts Under Control, Naturally

The life-changing expert advice and tips that you'll learn and put into action include:
  • Why our metabolisms can get sluggish and the ways to prevent and heal this.
  • Why tweaking your diet will provide the best results after 40.
  • What types of meals balance blood sugar levels.
  • How to naturally heal your gut so you can eliminate digestive issues and bloating.
  • How to nourish adrenal glands, clear brain fog, and rev up energy levels.
  • How to get better quality sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.
  • How to stop signs of premature aging, including skin wrinkles and thinning hair.
Here are some of the life-changing benefits you can look forward to:
  • Increased energy.
  • Feeling lighter and healthier.
  • Weight loss (if needed).
  • Improved digestion.
  • Clearer thinking and less brain fog.
  • Rejuvenated libido.
  • Improved sleep.
  • A greater sense of overall wellness.
  • Feeling and looking younger and more vibrant.
  • Preventing chronic health issues related to aging.
There's no reason why you shouldn't be feeling and looking fabulous in your 40's and beyond, so let's get you started on this highly beneficial and rewarding wellness journey today!

What People Are Saying

"Dear Jacqui. Let me first thank you deeply for this wonderful program. I could not lose weight as easily as I was used to even with more workouts. But thanks to your incredibly enlightening plan, I have not only driven my doctor nuts, because I know much more about my body now than before, but I also have already lost weight and am confident to reach my goal before actually turning 40 in four months. Having said that, I believe that 30 year old women deserve to read your plan as much as women in their 40s. Forever grateful." -Sanny

"Happy to be here! I turned 50 this year and luckily have never had any serious health issues. In saying that, I do need to focus more on fitness and staying strong. I am excited to create a few new habits to continue on in good health and fitness! Thank you" -Irene

"I love the fact that this course is open to the thought of discovering food that actually works for you instead of just eating any and everything. This puts a great perspective on my choices and I'm excited to start eliminating the food that doesn't personally benefit me." -Lisa

"Feeling brighter and more energetic. Eating lots of protein and some carbs. More food, yet my tummy is a bit flatter. So far, so good. I think extra protein is helping with sugar cravings." -Kim

"I am really enjoying this course. At this very difficult time in our country, when maintaining one's health is vital, I am truly appreciative of the specific common sense guidance." -Angela

"I've seen myself lose and gain before. However, Jacqui steered me to a healthier diet and a changed mindset. Processed foods (and their chemicals) are gone; I have spinach in smoothies, buy chia seeds, and my cookie jar holds assorted green and herbal tea bags. A cocktail or a decadent dessert when out socializing is a special treat. I've lost 40 pounds, five more than the goal. My reachable goal is now to lose another seven to 10 pounds, but I'm already on my lifelong goal to stay the course. So grateful that I took a chance on this." -Nora

"Thanks so much Jacqui for your very informative course. I am feeling better and I definitely hope to continue to use your valuable information to help lead a more healthy and energized life." -Shelley

"I have had a total wake up call to what I have been doing / not doing when it comes to nutrition. I am now learning the right way to eat certain foods and what foods I need to avoid. At 48, I want to look and feel my best in the healthiest of ways." -Amy

About Jacqui Justice
Jacqui Justice holds an MS and CNS in clinical nutrition, as well as a certification in functional nutrition. She has been in private practice since 1996 with offices in the New York City area. She has also been featured in various publications and as a guest on many local and national radio and television talk shows.

Jacqui specializes in weight-loss resistance and is passionate in her belief that success is dependent on adopting the proper mind-set. "Our minds and our bodies are intimately connected, you cannot make your body achieve what your mind does not believe." This mind-set technique is at the heart and soul of all of her weight-loss and wellness programs.

Jacqui Justice has been a contributing author to DailyOM since 2012.

How Does It Work?
Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 10 days (total of 10 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Free Gift
As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration newsletter which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM and Jacqui Justice that we think you might be interested in.

Get Started Now
We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

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This is the total amount for all 10 lessons