Sincere feelings of compassion can compel you to seek out opportunities to help others today. An encounter with someone less fortunate than yourself may inspire you to feed the hungry, stamp out poverty, or crusade for justice. Whether your efforts are focused on issues in your community or planetwide concerns, the unaffectedness and authenticity with which you carry them out can convince others that you are truly dedicated to the causes you have chosen to support. The genuine selflessness with which you likely approach your charitable endeavors can endear you to those you aid and help you win over any individuals who question the source of your motives. Today may be the day you realize you want to devote more of your time and resources to philanthropic work.

The compassion we feel and the kindness that lurks in our souls gain the ability to touch the lives of others in a positive way only when offered sincerely. Selflessness cannot exist when there are strings attached; genuinely altruistic acts are performed without thought of recompense or caveats. When our charity is marked by true earnestness and pure self-sacrifice, people in need benefit not only from the substance of our gifts but also from the spirit in which they were given. To be given a fresh start that comes with no conditions is like receiving a second chance at life. Knowing that we have been given such a gift can bring us immense, unadulterated satisfaction. You'll find fulfillment unlike any other today when your efforts in helping others are heartfelt.