93,571 people have taken this course

Ready to welcome back your healthy movement, healing, strength and joint mobility, regardless of your age and fitness level? So many people today believe that aging or injury means to physically decline, so they kind of just give up. And trust me, I know as much as anyone how it feels to be less mobile than one would like. When I was younger, I was partially paralyzed for 2 years and was too weak to move. I certainly couldn't do any of the healthy workouts people suggested, even what others called "beginner yoga" was way beyond me! It took me over a decade to strengthen to the point where I could become a yoga and anatomy expert, as well as a fitness teacher. With all this experience, I traveled the world teaching people of any and all levels how to access their ability to grow in strength, flexibility, and stamina, no matter what their fitness level.

Gently Reclaim Your Mobility and Fitness

By doing these 10 gentle but powerfully effective workouts in a chair or on the floor, you can regain your best body, inside and out. Your muscles can build and tone for your whole life. Each workout builds on one another to strengthen and open your body in different yet complementary ways. By the end, you'll have built total body stamina, cleansing, balance and flexibility!

This course is great for anyone wanting to reclaim mobility in a gentle way due to:
  • Aging and loss of mobility and strength (this is a great gift for parents).
  • Illness or injury that needs healing movement.
  • Teachers seeking more creative tools and flowing sequences for their Chair Yoga, gentle, restorative, therapeutic, healing or total basics classes.
  • Anyone who wants a gentle, mellow and restorative movement practice.
With this course, you'll get:
  • Ten 10-Minute Flow Workouts: Led by one teacher in a chair and one on the floor, so you can choose which you want to follow.
  • A smart blend of yoga and fitness movements to target common areas of weakness, tension and inflammation, and help to change them into strength, freedom and a body that supports your best health instead of blocking it.
  • One workout a day, with some important science tips and inspiration to make sure you keep healing and get strong and energized in all the right ways, with no time-wasting missteps.
  • Lifetime Access: When you purchase this course, the whole program is yours to keep and to do at your own pace. You can return to it again and again.
  • This incredible fitness resource for you, as you move forward with a clear education on what will work for you and how easy it can be to be fit and fabulous for a lifetime, in your own way, and on your own terms.
  • Workouts that fit it into your busy life, and finally give you your freedom back, along with your best self.
For the next 11 days you'll receive an effective and fun 10 minute lesson that focuses on each of the following:
  • Day 1: WARM UP + FLOW: A warming and flowing sequence of movements to open stuck joints and energy, and get your whole system moving. This is your essential healing practice!
  • Day 2: STABILITY + SPINE: A creative sequence to engage, strengthen and stretch the muscles of your spine and main joints more safely and strongly, the foundation of your balance and inner body health!
  • Day 3: STAMINA + ENERGY: This sequence will uplift your energy and build the endurance to do more throughout the day with more vigor. This releases central nervous system nerve and cellular compression so you can control your vitality more and more.
  • Day 4: CORE STRENGTH + EMPOWER: Your abdominals and back muscles are crucial to staying strong, standing tall, and avoiding fatigue and spinal collapse. This empowering session will build strong yet flexible abs and total Core support.
  • Day 5: WARRIOR NATURE + ENDURANCE: Yes, even if you can't do a full Warrior Pose or yoga practice yet, you can amplify your Warrior spirit. This workout will gently challenge and inspire you to become even more grounded, centered, focused and stable.
  • Day 6: BALANCE + BREATH: Oxygen is one of the most healing and cleansing tools you have. We blend balance with mindful breath techniques to support you to be more open and cleansed, even as you learn to dance with Center.
  • Day 7: DETOX + CLEANSE: Detox is not what you think. In this session, we bring in the latest science to help you actually stay clean and healing more effectively with a fusion of organic, inspiring movement, naturally!
  • Day 8: STRONG CORE + OPEN HEART: Life tends to round us forward, and this depresses energy and strength can cause pain and strain in the spine. Today's workout will counteract this, improving posture by strengthening the mid and upper back & shoulders, and opening the chest, but all from a stronger core for truly holistic support!
  • Day 9: UPPER BODY STRENGTH + STRETCH: Continue your upper body chest and arm strength with this short but transformative arm, chest, back and shoulder practice. A little goes a long way, as we target the exact movements needed to increase tone and endurance in the upper body. So necessary for tackling life's day-to-day needs.
  • Day 10: FLEXIBILITY + RESTORE: This is a cooling practice that you can use after any other workout here on the program. Today you'll learn why many people stretch incorrectly, causing inflammation and pain. Stretch smarter, open your body, and enjoy the freedom it brings, all in 10 minutes!
  • Day 11: BONUS VIDEO LIBRARY: This is a resource you can use moving forward, even after you're done with the main course. This video library is one page, with all 10 video workouts on it, so you can effortlessly access any you love, or need that day. I suggest doing Day 1 as your warmup, then any other video Day 2-9, then Day 10 as a cool-down. That makes a 30-minute practice!
You can even easily combine videos for longer workouts as you build your strength and stamina. You'll see that these workouts will open up for you more and more as you practice them more.

Each workout acts on your body as a whole, using optimal anatomy and alignment knowledge, so each 10 minute session gives you the results of doing a much longer workout, even gently. You'll find yourself actually enjoying exercise, at the level you truly need.

What Others Are Saying

"This course is wonderful. I am working back to full health following a series of injuries as well as long-term low back issues. Such a helpful course for anyone, to go back to basics and focus on our foundation to ensure that as we progress, we are working from a strong core and pelvic floor. I am so pleased that I stumbled across this and have already recommended it to a number of friends and colleagues." -Donna

"Thank you Sadie! After a difficult part of my life journey, I had feared that I would never overcome stiffness. Regular yoga videos were too difficult, but your lovely sessions have me moving again. Thank you, Janet! We are 'sisters on the chair'! I will be doing this course again, then on to the next level when ready." -Celeste

"I'm 70, and have had major joint pain and limitations from arthritis. Every other fitness and yoga program or class I tried was way beyond me. Sadie understands what people like me need to really start from the ground or the chair-up!" -Ann

"I had a serious illness, and was too weak to even go to classes. I could barely make it out of bed. Then along came Sadie, and a practice I could actually do in bed. It gave me the therapeutic support I needed to heal and get stronger, in my own timing." -Jordan

"With the spine injuries I have, it's nearly impossible to find super gentle movement practices that actually progress my strength without hurting me worse. Sadie manages to aid in my recovery and help me respect my permanent disabilities at the same time, in a totally empowering way where I feel like I can be as awesome as anyone else. It's hard to describe, just please get this course! You won't regret it." -Chantal

"I gave my mom the gift of this course, and she loves it. 'Sadie this, Sadie that!' I welcome it. Anything to make her better and stronger. Thank you, Sadie!" -Paulette

About Sadie Nardini
Sadie Nardini, E-RYT 500, RYS 300, is the founder of Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga and creator of the Yoga Shred system: the first-ever blend of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and yoga postures for the best of both worlds! She has several best-selling courses on DailyOM.

As a teen, Sadie had an accident and broke her neck and spine in 3 places. She was partially paralyzed for 2 years and was told she would likely never walk or run again. She fought back for the next decade and with a combination of mindful, gentle yoga, increasing to strength-based yoga and fitness, Sadie went from a lost cause to teaching all over the globe.

Today, Sadie is one of the fiercest yoga and wellness leaders in the world with a mind, body and spirit that is healthy, strong and capable of greatness. She has become a role model for balanced living, empowerment, and fitness through yoga, real-food diet and practical action steps. Sadie understands that it is only when you balance all the parts of you, can you truly hope to stop merely existing, and start enjoying a whole, happy and healthy life.

How Does It Work?
Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 10 days (total of 10 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Free Gift
As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration newsletter which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM and Sadie Nardini that we think you might be interested in.

Get Started Now
We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 10 lessons