Joyful feelings may well up in your soul today. Bringing smiles to the faces of all you come into contact with may be as easy as flashing a sincere smile at everyone you meet. Your cheerful and optimistic mood will likely be infectious, inspiring others to seek out the gladness and elation in their lives. You may be surprised to discover that people are drawn to your upbeat outlook and seek out your pleasant perspective when they are in need of guidance. The optimism you feel, when expressed as advice, could help others see hidden opportunities and recognize the goodness that may come from difficult situations. However, even if you offer no words of wisdom today, your good mood and positive manner can make others happier.

An attitude of optimism could help you become a beacon of cheer and give you the power to brighten the days of everyone you meet. While it's easier to maintain a demeanor of indifference as you move through your day, it can be far more rewarding to know that your smile and happy outlook is lifting people's spirits. When you are apt to hope for the best and look for the bright side of most situations, others will flock to you for guidance because they know that you will offer a uniquely uplifting perspective. People will think of you as a person with a talent for being happy and thus be drawn to you because you are a pleasure to be around. The optimism you feel today will give you the power to bring joy into people's lives.