You feel comfortable and secure making decisions relating to your personal finances today. So today might be a great time to address any lingering money matters. If you've been waiting to apply for a loan, you might want to take the time to complete and hand in your application today. You also might want to call an advisor to get answers to any tax-related questions you have. If you've thought of approaching your supervisor to discuss the possibility of a pay raise or promotion, today could be a good day to finally initiate that conversation. It may be helpful to research the rate of pay on both the local and the national levels for your current or hoped-for positions before you request a meeting. The more information you gather before making any decisions or beginning any money-related discussions, the better the outcome will be for you. If you have been considering new employment, you may want to look at job listings.

When we are feeling confident and good about ourselves, situations that may have once seemed overwhelming can lose their intimidation factor. Just as the simplest tasks in life can feel challenging when we're frazzled, it becomes surprisingly easy to engage in important discussions and make weighty decisions when we approach situations with poise and assertiveness. Uncomfortable conversations become manageable and easier to deal with when we trust ourselves to handle what might come up. Take full advantage of your sense of comfort and security about money matters today, and you will create positive financial change in your life.